Internet / Information | Dutchsinse Blog

After youtube and the evil ones flagged all his videos and even broke in to the house of his best friend and shot him, Dutch made his own blog.  On the Project Camelot interview from last night he tells what he has found out about radioactivity and the many sick things been done to our enveiroment at these times.  Please check out and support Dutchsinse!


New link added :



HEALTH | Radiation protection with ADYA CLARITY

So, what can I do if my drinking-water is contaminated with nuclear particles?

For every problem there is a solution.  ADYA CLARITY is a product so futuristic and simple it’s hard to believe.  But don’t let that stop you, you’ll get used to it!

How does ADYA CLARITY neutralize radiation and makes drinking water safe, healthy and energetic?

The matrix of the BIOTITE minerals solved in the charged water that makes ADYA are magnetic.  The nature of these mineral molecules are of a pattern that neutralizes, not only radioactive particles and protects your body from their harm, but this amazing stuff also…

– Purify, structures, micro-clusters and optimize your water.

– Depletes mineral sufficiency with about 100 minerals and trace minerals.

– Activates the oxygen in your water.

– Detoxes your body.

– Kills unwanted and dangerous bacterias such as e-Colli.

– Dissolves chlorine and other chemicals from your water.

– Dissolves harmful plastics, solvents and solids from your water.

– Makes heavy metals in your water harmless.

– Softens water and hydrates your body at the cellular level.

– Optimizes enzymatic functions due to the frequency of the para-magnetic sulfate minerals ADYA contains.


And as if this isn’t enough ADYA CLARITY  has also shown to ward off Candida infections, joint pain and help you regain health and strength.  Mineral deficiency might be a invitation to several diseases.  ADYA reverses this.

If used in jacuzzis hot-tubs, and swimming-pools it can keep your water clean for up to 8 months and you don’t need any dangerous chlorine.

Plants grows bigger, stronger and more tasty when given ADYA, and if you soak your vegetables, fruits and nuts, ADYA will pull out any chemicals and bacterias will die.

You can prepare a bath with a large potion and it will even pull heavy-metals and pollution out of your fatty tissues and skin.

In other words, this is totally amazing!

Learn more and get yours at:

USA, CANADA and rest of the Americas:

Brazil (manda email pra) :


ADYA CLARITY now send 10% of sales to Fukushima! 

Bioengineered E-coli

What this dude says is very plausible.  It´s all dirty politics and fear.

GMO – A monster with many heads

Here´s a few things I  didn´t know about this “manmade” plague that has hit the supermarkeds.  Foods that grows medicines?   Wow!  Airbourne bacterias?  Watch it!

Local event: 30.April⎢ Bruce Lipton (PhD)

Dette eventet burde ingen gå glipp av!

“Når vi endrer vår samhandling med våre omgivelser, endrer vi vårt genetiske potensiale. Det er ingenting som er gitt – alt kan påvirkes!” – Bruce Lipton, “The Living Matrix”

Bruce H. Lipton (PhD) er en pioner innen “den nye biologi” og er internasjonalt anerkjent for sitt arbeide med å bygge bro mellom vitenskap og spiritualitet. Han er tidligere professor ved Wisconsin Medical School og som cellebiolog gjorde han banebrytende arbeid på stamceller ved Stanford University.

Lipton har med sine vitenskapelige funn forandret måten vi forstår livet på. Han går imot det etablerte vitenskapelige synet som er basert på at gener og DNA styrer vår biologi og viser at vi ikke er ofre for våre gener, men at vi med vår bevissthet kan forandre vårt genmateriale. Hans foredrag vil kaste lys på den skjulte forbindelsen mellom biologi, psykologi og spiritualitet som former våre liv.

Sammen med komiker og forfatter Steve Bhaerman og overlege Audun Myskja skal Lipton denne kvelden gis oss nærmere kjennskap til “den nye biologien” og hvordan ny viten og erkjennelse påvirker vår forståelse av oss selv – våre liv og vår helse.

Lipton har skrevet bestselgende bøker som “The Biology of Belief” og “Spontanious Evolution” og var en av forfatterne bak boken og filmen “The Living Matrix”. Han er en internasjonalt ettertraktet og populær foredragsholder og i 2009 ble han tildelt den prestisjefylte Goi Peace Award for sitt arbeide.

Steve Bhaerman (forfatter og komiker)
I tillegg til å være medforfatter av boken “The Biologi of Belief” har Bhaerman i 20 år opptrådt som “Swami Beyonanda, the Cosmic Comic”. Han har skrevet bøker som “Driving Your Own Karma”, “When You See A Sacred Cow, Milk It For All It?s Worth” Han er lærer in transformerende humor. Bhaerman etablerte dessuten en “Free High School” i 1972 og han er en av grunnleggerne av “Pathways Magazine” i USA.

Overlege Audun Myskja
Myskja er leder for Senter for Livshjelp og forfatter av bøkene “Finn din indre kraft” og “Den musiske medisin” og en rekke fagbøker. Han har tretti års erfaring innen integrert medisin, og har arbeidet parallelt med vanlig medisin, terapeutisk berøring, energiarbeid, terapeutisk stemmebruk og musikkterapi. Han har vunnet Den Norske Lægeforenings kvalitetspris for arbeid med musikk i medisinen. Myskja har spesialisert seg i forskning over sammenhengen mellom kropp og sinn via lyd og energi.

MUST SEE: The Living Matrix: The Science Of Healing

What is the cutting edge science on health?  Find out now and know thy self!

With appearances by Bruce Lipton and Fritz Albert Popp amongst others:


Biology of Perception – Bruce Lipton

‘the bottom line is, genes do NOT control our biology, that an assumption made years ago that was never even proven scientifically – it just seemed so correct that we bought the story … if the mechanism actually worked according to the textbooks, ie. if the genes control biology, then at least 120,000 genes would be required to make a human. but when the human genome projects results were in, … it was discovered that 2/3rds of the genes (needed to support their model) were missing. Its not that the genes were missing, it was the understanding that was wrong.
“We have to come to a new way of understanding biology. This ‘new’ understanding has actually already been in the leading edge of science for 10 years now. It takes at least 10 or 15 years for science to take a fact from its first inception and get it out into the public so that the people can understand it. That means anything in current textbooks is at least 10 or 15 years old. what your going to hear tonight is whats going to be the future textbooks. ”
-Bruce Lipton

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