Local event: 30.April⎢ Bruce Lipton (PhD)

Dette eventet burde ingen gå glipp av!


“Når vi endrer vår samhandling med våre omgivelser, endrer vi vårt genetiske potensiale. Det er ingenting som er gitt – alt kan påvirkes!” – Bruce Lipton, “The Living Matrix”

Bruce H. Lipton (PhD) er en pioner innen “den nye biologi” og er internasjonalt anerkjent for sitt arbeide med å bygge bro mellom vitenskap og spiritualitet. Han er tidligere professor ved Wisconsin Medical School og som cellebiolog gjorde han banebrytende arbeid på stamceller ved Stanford University.

Lipton har med sine vitenskapelige funn forandret måten vi forstår livet på. Han går imot det etablerte vitenskapelige synet som er basert på at gener og DNA styrer vår biologi og viser at vi ikke er ofre for våre gener, men at vi med vår bevissthet kan forandre vårt genmateriale. Hans foredrag vil kaste lys på den skjulte forbindelsen mellom biologi, psykologi og spiritualitet som former våre liv.

Sammen med komiker og forfatter Steve Bhaerman og overlege Audun Myskja skal Lipton denne kvelden gis oss nærmere kjennskap til “den nye biologien” og hvordan ny viten og erkjennelse påvirker vår forståelse av oss selv – våre liv og vår helse.

Lipton har skrevet bestselgende bøker som “The Biology of Belief” og “Spontanious Evolution” og var en av forfatterne bak boken og filmen “The Living Matrix”. Han er en internasjonalt ettertraktet og populær foredragsholder og i 2009 ble han tildelt den prestisjefylte Goi Peace Award for sitt arbeide.

Steve Bhaerman (forfatter og komiker)
I tillegg til å være medforfatter av boken “The Biologi of Belief” har Bhaerman i 20 år opptrådt som “Swami Beyonanda, the Cosmic Comic”. Han har skrevet bøker som “Driving Your Own Karma”, “When You See A Sacred Cow, Milk It For All It?s Worth” Han er lærer in transformerende humor. Bhaerman etablerte dessuten en “Free High School” i 1972 og han er en av grunnleggerne av “Pathways Magazine” i USA.

Overlege Audun Myskja
Myskja er leder for Senter for Livshjelp og forfatter av bøkene “Finn din indre kraft” og “Den musiske medisin” og en rekke fagbøker. Han har tretti års erfaring innen integrert medisin, og har arbeidet parallelt med vanlig medisin, terapeutisk berøring, energiarbeid, terapeutisk stemmebruk og musikkterapi. Han har vunnet Den Norske Lægeforenings kvalitetspris for arbeid med musikk i medisinen. Myskja har spesialisert seg i forskning over sammenhengen mellom kropp og sinn via lyd og energi.

Bill Cooper – The CNN Interview

All parts

Plato – The Cave

The Allegory of the Cave is an allegory used by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work The Republic. The allegory of the cave is told as a fictional dialog between Plato’s teacher Socrates, and his own brother, Glaucon, at the beginning of Book 7 (514a520a). It is related to Plato’s metaphor of the sun (507b509c) and the analogy of the divided line (509d513e) which immediately precede it at the end of Book 6. Allegories are summarized in the viewpoint of dialectic at the end of book VII and VIII (531d-534e). The allegory of the cave is also commonly known as Myth of the Cave, Metaphor of the Cave, The Theory of Forms, or the Parable of the Cave.

C.G. Jung – Interview (1959)

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology known as Jungian psychology. Jung’s approach to psychology has been influential in the field of depth psychology and in countercultural movements across the globe. Jung is considered as the first modern psychologist to state that the human psyche is “by nature religious” and to explore it in depth. He emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, religion and philosophy. Although he was a theoretical psychologist and practicing clinician, much of his life’s work was spent exploring other areas, including Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology, sociology, as well as literature and the arts. His most notable ideas include the concept of psychological archetypes, the collective unconscious and synchronicity.

Issues of MindControl – Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde – Nyhetsspeilet.no

The boys from Nyhetsspeilet has done a very good video-interview.  See it!

See the rest of it here:


Visit also:


David Lynch: Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain


Invincible Defense Technology

Norwegian troops practising Invincible Defense Technology in the late 1970’s. from Mannskaps Avisa.

A New Defense Model

Is there a better way? Perhaps. A new defense model is emerging — one based on prevention rather than fear. Using group meditation, the technique, known as invincible defense technology, can actually prevent an enemy from arising by reducing collective stress in society. Psychologist Dr. David Orme-Johnson, is the Director of Research at the Institute of Science, Technology, and Public Policy (ISTPP) at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. Orme-Johnson explains that collective stress is the sum total of individual stress. The individual is the basic unit of society, he says. When stress, tension, and fear build up in the individual, the rest of society is degraded as well.

ISTPP scientists, including Orme-Johnson, assert that society’s collective stress is the root cause of conflict and terrorism. If collective stress is high, fear and anger thrive in the population. Ethnic hatreds flare, old wounds open, and distrust festers. Territorial, political, cultural, and religious differences become more difficult to resolve creating seemingly endless chains of conflict.

Conflict Fuels More Conflict

Orme-Johnson points out that nothing our government does now addresses the cause. On the contrary, he says, forceful response to conflict increases the problem. “Fear in the world spurs arms build up and the development of arms technology, which only causes more fear,” he says. “Disarmament is not realistic because no one can rationally disarm when facing an armed aggressor.”

Prevention Wings of the Military

To counteract this fear and promote peace, scientists at ISTPP are encouraging every country to spend about one percent of the military budget to implement an invincible defense technology program that they are calling Prevention Wings of the Military. Soldiers would be given one additional duty: to practice the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program daily in large groups. The theory is that this would result in more peaceful world.

Read More:  http://www.davidleffler.com/explanation.html

Related links:





Classic: Interview with an Ex-Vampire / Bill Schnoebelen

About Bill Schnoebelen

Bill SchnoebelenBill is an internationally recognized speaker and author of seven books and countless booklets, articles and tracts. He and his wife, Sharon have been happily married for 30 years. He graduated from Loras College in 1971 with a degree in music and education. BillSchnoebelen.jpg – 17293 BytesHe received his Masters in Theological Studies degree from St. Francis School of Pastoral Ministry in 1980 and his Master of Arts degree in counseling from Liberty University in 1990. He is also a Naturopathic doctor, a Nutritional Herbologist and a Certified Natural Health Professional. Bill is listed in Who’s Who in Religion.

Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie is a survey of the modern “white witchcraft” scene from the standpoint of one who was a high priest for more than a dozen years and who taught and initiated hundreds of Wiccan novices. The Craft’s harmless appearance is revealed to be a mask for a more ominous spirituality.

He has been studying religion and spirituality in one form or another all of his life, and is an ordained minister. Additionally, he has been a careful student of the UFO phenomenon since the late 1960’s. He was gloriously saved by Yah’shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) in 1984.

Bill is a recognized authority on alternative religions and the occult, and spent sixteen years as a teacher of witchcraft, spiritism and ceremonial magick. His spiritual search also included seven years in the Church of Satan. Additionally, he spent nine years as an active member of the Freemasonic fraternity and five years as a devout member of the LDS (Mormon) church, where he held numerous offices, including elders’ quorum president. He and his wife also held temple recommends in the LDS church for four years.

Lucifer Dethroned: A True StoryBill’s books include Lucifer Dethroned (autobiographical) and Blood on the Doorpost, which he co-authored with his wife. The first book is a gripping account of his descent into the darkest side of mysticism and magick and his restoration through grace and the love of Yah’shua (Jesus). It is additionally, a very thorough historical survey of contemporary Satanism. The second book is gleaned from their thousands of hours of counseling with people coming out of oppressive religious systems or dysfunctional relationships and functions as aa graduate level course on prayer therapy and spiritual warfare.

Masonry: Beyond the Light has been described as the finest book on Freemasonry written by a former Mason and is our best selling book. It is a thorough survey of the history of the lodge and an examination of the spiritual dynamics which underlie it, especially in relation to the Bible.

Space Invaders is another top seller, and is the fruit of nearly thirty years of research into the UFO enigma. It contains astonishing answers to some of the most perplexing aspects of flying saucers and also the alien abduction phenomena which seems to be sweeping the country. It places the saucers and the aliens under the light of Yahweh God’s Holy Word with amazing results which will prepare you for some of the coming end-times deceptions.










This must be my alltime favorite video!  I can´t even imagine how many Hollywood-movies has been based on these stories.

Go to the official website and ministry http://www.withoneaccord.org/ and sign up for the Great Lords protection!

Noam Chomsky: Government In The Future

A talk by Noam Chomsky at the New York Poetry Center  (1970)

Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6

BOK: “Den grønne supermaten” av David Sandoval.

I anledning lanseringen av boken “Den grønne supermaten” besøker ernærings-superstjernen David Sandoval Norge.  Supermat, mest kjent internasjonalt under betegnelsen “Wholefood”, er mat som har nærings-stoffene inntakte.  Dette mangler faktisk i moderne “go gammaldags husmannskost”, men Davids futuristiske produkter ligner mer på det vi spiste også tusner av år siden.  Altså en måte å gi kroppen næring på, som er mer naturlig enn Mac´ern og Fjodland.  Ved å se på hve cellene i kroppen vår gjør og kan, går det faktisk ann å komme frem til nyttige og fungerende fakta.  En god del  av dette er beskrevet i denne norske utgivelsen av boken som på engelsk har den litt mer pretansiøse titlen “The green food bible”.

Men Davids produktserie er svaret på de mange spørsmålene man sitter igjen med etter å ha lest denne boken.  Spørsmål som: hvordan kan jeg spise 20 viktige grønnsaker om dagen?  Etter 20 års egen forskning, pluss andres, har Pure Planet / Platinum Health/ Purim blitt respekterte standarer i ernærings-orienterte miljøer.  Pulvrene til David blir nytt av Filmstjerner, idrettsutøvere og kreftpasienter verden over pga. sin utrolige og dokumenterbare effekt, på hovedsakelig aldrings-prosesser i kroppens mange mekanismer.  Og han kan med hevet hode skryte av å ha gjort mang en frisk fra alvorlige og ukomfortable plager.  Utbrenthet og energi er også stikkord i denne sammenheng.  Dette burde du for all del lære mer om!  Du får enkelt tak i  supermat og bøkene her:      www.goplatinum.no/AllPlatinumHealthProducts


Oslo               mandag 11. januar kl 18.00 – i bokcafèen hos Cappelen Damm, Akersgt. 47. Smaksprøver og boksalg. David holder foredrag.

Bodø               tirsdag 12. jan – Rica Hotel Bodø, Sjøgata 23

Trondheim onsdag 13. jan – Rica Nidelven Hotel, Havnegt 1-3

Bergen          torsdag 14. jan – Radisson Blu Hotel Norge, Nedre Ole Bulls Plass 4

Stavanger      fredag 15. jan – Radisson Blu Atlantic Hotel, Olav V´s gt 3

Oslo                  lørdag 16. jan – Clarion Collection Hotel Gabelshus, Gabels gt.16


16:00 Registrering og smaksprøver

16:30 Seminar del 1

18:30 Smaksprøver

19:00 Seminar del 2

20:30 Slutt

Pris: kr 150,- pr. person.  Inkluderer seminar og smaksprøver PÅMELDING / SIGN UP HERE:      www.goplatinum.no

Seminaret holdes på engelsk.  The presentation is held in english.

Norges nettbutikk:     www.goplatinum.no

UK webshop:         www.platinumuk.biz

EU webshop:          www.platinumeurope.biz

USA webshop:       www.phporder.com

(PS: Platinum Health Products will soon also be available in Sweden and Denmark too. We´ll keep you posted!)

Christmass Mysteries: 3 + wise men

Looking in to this, the ultra modern word “freakin´” came to my mind.  Like in freakin´ mystic or Jesus freak.  Ha ha!  Here´s the meme:

It all starts with this mosaic in Ravenna, Italy:

In Byzantium, Anatolian Phrygia lay to the east of Constantinople, and thus in this late 6th-century mosaic from Sant’Apollinare NuovoRavenna (which was part of the Eastern Empire), the three Magi wear Phrygian caps, identifying them as generic “easterners”.

It is NOT written in the Bible that there were 3 wise men.  It is however understood that these wise men came from persia and probably were some kind of (PRE-Islamic of course)  Sufi or Zoroastrian Magi.  They had read in the stars, Gods language, that an incredible boy were soon to be born.  Skilled in their practices, they took upon a trip and brought what they needed for the proper receiving of this mystical child.  The Myrrh Oil, Incense and Gold are all healing and “magical” substances, and was used to anoint and initiate this child in to the kingdom of Christ.  Jesus is not known to really be born in the month of December, I must add here  -Some say in August.

Astronomers today have recounted that a rare conjunction of SATURN and JUPITER and a strange light happened in March in the year  7. or 8. year B.C.  Saturn was held to be the star of Israel and Jupiter was the star of the Babylonian god Marduk.  They both appeard togheter in the House of Picies, which represented Judea.  This is where Bethlehem was and it was close to Jerusalem.  Many cultures celebrate 21. March as the birth of the Sun after the  colder winter, in these parts of the world.

If Jesus´ birth really coincided with this astrological phenomena, our calendar is some 7 or 8 years off.  That might be the case because our calendar was made by an Irish munk around the 5th C. A.D. it is said.  Christ´s birth was set to be the 25. of December already in the year 300 A.D. as an prolongment of the festival called “Sol Invictus“.

Click on word-links to discover more symbolism!

The Secret of the Universe – Magnetism, Coral Castle and the Freemasons

The ancient secrets of antigravity are revealed as the result of an in depth study – clues left by Edward Leedskalnin at Coral Castle, and the Freemasons Lodge (Grand Masonic Lodge) at Philadelphia. The Golden Ratio (Phi), or the Golden Section, and it’s relationship to Prime Numbers, Prime Quadruplets, and the Pyramid Shape with an angle of 51.83 degrees is revealed for the first time! The formerly hidden secrets of anti-gravity and magnetism are here. The Star of David hexagram is a key as well, along with the number 144. Learn how the ancient megaliths of the world were really constructed. The best way to a real antigravity solution – infinitely easier to construct than Searl, Hutchison, and others. This is the final version of part 1. See www.code144.com for future releases.

Update on Leo Zagami

A LOYAL ZION MAGE?  Much is being said about Leo!  He was the founder of the Committee Of Hope, now called The Club Of Now.  But most of all he is a profiled and knowledgable soldier in the metaphysical war, that often is related to as “Angels & Demons”.  He is also a very caring and interesting friend and a true Brother of humanity.  His and our main object is the protection and preservation of the Spirit in a society which is swallowed by MATERialism and an abstract idea of what money really is.  This is an important cause for a few of us daring to call ourselves HUMANS, and not just men or simply profane.

Off course his message has been heavily miss-understood in general, and even meddlers of the lower frequencies and nature-mages, so popular in this modern time, are afraid of what the light he shines on his listeners will eventually do to the men who holds the power of the distribution of wealth today and their shortcoming future.  The way “THEY” conceals their practices with black magik might very well be aligned to how certain homosexuals is trapped in the closet, and dare not to stand up even for themselves.  Get it?

Well, as we all have seen in the news and such, the world is infact changing for the better, little by little.  But one major issue is the misuse of natural forces through Technology, Propaganda and Mind-control, and it might be smart for the instinctive survivalist to study WHITE Magik to ward off  Parasitic “Demons” of the Sosialist agenda and so forth.  He´s only trying to help you see something, but many are already obsessed with thoughts and ideas preventing them and aiding in avoiding, the Zombies, from receiving real light, boundless love and the BIG picture.

“Let the one without sin cast the first stone!” Many also react negative to how he has played out his divorce in public.  Maybe rightfully, perhaps not.  The BOOK says: “Those who conceals their faults will NOT prosper”.  This means that those concerned with holding up the beautiful facade will be busy just doing that, and will never evolve past the idea of a flawless image / murky inside, to the real flawlessness that the idea of the creator brings forth in the potential of nature and reach their true self and the realisation of destiny, or transcendence through the densities.  Stuck in that modern corner, you will surely dismiss Leo´s Traditionalistic message.  True Beauty comes from within, and are associated with perfection.

Check this interview from Supressed Stories made by a Norwegian in exile:


Leo appears in this rather superficial new norwegian magazine called SMUG #1.  It gives you a short A 2 Z on Leos workings in Norway and more.  But sadly, only a chosen few has the eye to see where he is comming from and what the subject really is about.  Many of his friends don´t even have a clue and are afraid of piercing through to his heart.  I guess they have more then enough trouble of satisfying themselves in this god-forsaken time we find ourselves in now.  The article is only in written norwegian tho.

Here is also an in depth interview with Leo on Nightwatch earlier this year 2009.

Also the book “THE WORK”  by Zagami & Fullford is published in Japaneese now.

Norway IS the last stand for ateism, serfdom and hard power, and a spiritual war is sweeping over this icy rock we call home.  Are you ready to take part?  For you must choose a side, or rather a future.  Certain Norwegians have a very broad and bad influence on the world events, and especially wars, and the majority of the worlds inhabitants would appreciate if us Norwegians would clean the monkeys (APes/socialists) out our own garden I´m CONvinced!

Stop being Fake!  What you don´t know IS also TRUE…

Jesus never died!

All episodes are to be found here:


Emergency! Martin Armstrong Needs Your Help Now!


Martin Armstrong is being illegally moved to a hell hole jail in as an obvious payback for speaking out

Moving Marty is a clear act of retribution in direct violation of the law. As a result of the “The New Yorker” magazine article and the subsequent fact that many additional members of the Press have been trying to gain access to him, the new Fort Dix Warden Donna Zikefoose and her henchman David Steel and K Byrd, have ignored federal law and are attempting to move Marty to one of the worst, dirtiest, most unsafe jails in the US where he will not even have access to the sun let alone a type writer for the remainder of his sentence. This place is truly one of the worst jails in the United States. Marty will be mixed in with accused murderers, and other violent and dangerous types. They are attempting to slip this through over the holiday hoping to avoid notice. The facility they want to send him to is BOP (Bureau of Prisons) MDC (Metropolitan Detention Center) Brooklyn New York where they will work him for 11 cents an hour as a cadre. This is the sister facility to the one in Manhattan where Marty spent seven years in contempt (never even seeing the sun) and was almost beaten to death and wound up in intensive. This is a quote from Last paragraph of Marty’s Paper of “Looking Behind the Curtain…The Real Conspiracy” April 9, 2009 Paper. Marty tells the harrowing story as follows…

This move is completely illegal. We believe that they know it and are just playing dumb and hope that no one complains until it’s too late. Aside from this move is an obvious attempt to silence him and punish him for speaking out. It is absolutely illegal to move a prisoner with an open habeas before the courts. Marty has not one, but two open habeas before the court at this time.

#1 A habeas in Camden Federal Court # 08251

#2 A habeas in the Supreme Court # 099470

Rule 36 of the Supreme Court states that Marty can’t be moved while there is an open habeas.

Bureau of Prisons Program statement 5100.08 Chapter 7 Page 12 top paragraph (A document that controls what the BOP can and cannot do with regard to prison custody statutes see posting) states the following…

Under Rule 23(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedures, an inmate may not be transferred, pending review of a Habeas Corpus proceeding commenced before a court, without the approval of the court. Approval for transfer should be sought through the U.S. Attorney or Regional Counsel in cases where a Habeas Corpus petition is pending.

Furthermore rule 23 (a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure says the same thing (also attached)

FRAP 23. CUSTODY OR RELEASE OF A PRISONER IN A HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDING (a) Transfer of Custody Pending Review. Pending review of a decision in a habeas corpus proceeding commenced before a court, justice, or judge of the United States for the release of a prisoner, the person having custody of the prisoner must not transfer custody to another unless a transfer is directed in accordance with this rule. When, upon application, a custodian shows the need for a transfer, the court, justice, or judge rendering the decision under review may authorize the transfer and substitute the successor custodian as a party.

They did not go to the judge because they know that the judge would say no and that it would open them up to scrutiny and more bad press. Instead they tried to slide this past everyone on a holiday weekend. They are breaking the law. Later if they get caught, they will just say they made a mistake. Bottom Line, Marty needs your help. We have gotten him a lawyer, but we are in a race against time to stop them from moving him.

Please Call email and fax the following people and tell them you know what they are doing and demand that they stop. Try to get through personally but if you can’t then at least leave a voice mail. This is a numbers game we need to let these folks know that we are watching and we won’t stand for it!

Warden Donna Zikefoose

FCI Fort Dix 609-723-1100 Office Extension 5100 FAX 609-724-7557 ATTN. Warden Donna Zikefoose

Email dzikefoose@bop.gov Please note that we are not 100% sure that this is the right email (95%) they don’t publish

their email addresses but it follows the exact naming convention for emails for the BOP.

Zukefoose Underlings at Fort Dix

Kevin Byrd (Marty’s Case Manager)

Phone: 609-723-1100 FAX 609-724-7557 ATTN. Kevin Byrd David Steele (The guy who handles the transfer) Phone: 609-723-1100 FAX 609-724-7557 ATTN. Zikefoose Superiors

Traci Billingsley, chief public information officer for the entire BOP Tell this woman we are involving the press and she has a mess on her hands, thanks to the Warden at Fort Dix.

Email tbillingsley@bop.gov Public Information Office of Prisons, U.S. Department of Justice, 320 First Street

NW, Rm. 654, Washington, DC 20534; phone: 202-307-3250; fax: 202-514-6878. Federal Bureau Of Prisons Northeast Regional Office

Regional Director Joe Norwood – Complain to this guy

200 Chestnut St Philadelphia, PA 19106-2979 (215) 521-7300


HERO: Smedley Butler

As we now can sit back and see our liberties signed away as the NWO becomes real in Cophenhagen, let´s throw a look back in time to when the US truly was a great nation and breeding ground for heroes, great inventors and thinkers.  Here´s one…

Taken from wikipedia

Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940), nicknamedThe Fighting Quaker” and “Old Gimlet Eye“, was a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps and, at the time of his death was the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

During his 34 years of Marine Corps service, Butler was awarded numerous medals for heroism including the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor twice. Notably, he is one of only 19 people to be twice awarded the Medal of Honor, one of only three to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor, and the only person to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor for two different actions.

In addition to his military career, Smedley Butler was noted for his outspoken anti-interventionist views, and his book War is a Racket. His book was one of the first describing the workings of the military-industrial complex, and after retiring from service, he became a popular speaker at meetings organized by veteranspacifists and church groups in the 1930s.

In 1934, he alleged to the United States Congress that a group of wealthy industrialists had plotted a military coup known as the Business Plot to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The allegations were controversial.[1][2][3][4][5]

Speaking and writing career and Anti-War activity

After his retirement from the Marines in 1931, Butler took up a lucrative career on the lecture circuit. He was also part of a commission established by OregonGovernor Julius L. Meier which helped form the Oregon State Police.[23] In 1932, he ran for the U.S. Senate in the Republican primary in Pennsylvania, allied with Gifford Pinchot, but was defeated by Senator James J. Davis.[24]

Claims of the Business Plot

The Business Plot was a political conspiracy which involved wealthy businessmen plotting a coup d’état to overthrow United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1934, Butler came forward and testified to the McCormack-Dickstein Congressional committee that a group of wealthy pro-Fascist industrialists had been plotting to overthrow the government and had approached him to lead it.[5]

In March 1934, the House of Representatives authorized investigations into “un-American” activities by a special committee headed by John W. McCormack of Massachusetts and Samuel Dickstein of New York. The McCormack-Dickstein Committee investigated Smedley Butler’s allegations as well as a number of other high profile topics of the era. In the opinion of the committee these allegations were credible. One of the purported plotters, Gerald MacGuire, vehemently denied any such plot. In their report, the Congressional committee stated that it was able to confirm Butler’s statements other than the proposal from MacGuire which it considered more or less confirmed by MacGuire’s European reports.[27] However, no prosecutions or further investigations followed and some historians have questioned whether or not a coup was actually close to execution, although most agree that some sort of “wild scheme” was contemplated and discussed.[1][2][28][29][30] Media initially dismissed the plot, with a The New York Times editorial characterizing it as a “gigantic hoax;”[4] When the committee’s final report was released, the Timessaid the committee “purported to report that a two-month investigation had convinced it that General Butler’s story of a Fascist march on Washington was alarmingly true” and “It also alleged that definite proof had been found that the much publicized Fascist march on Washington, which was to have been led by Major. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, retired, according to testimony at a hearing, was actually contemplated”.[3]

The McCormack-Dickstein Committee, which was a precursor to the House Un-American Activities Committee, confirmed some of Butler’s accusations in its final report stating:

“In the last few weeks of the committee’s official life it received evidence showing that certain persons had made an attempt to establish a fascist organization in this country…There is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient.”[31]

Read the whole Piece!

A few words from the BOSS! R.I.P.

Economy: Frédéric Bastiat



The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!

If this is true, it is a serious fact, and moral duty requires me to call the attention of my fellow-citizens to it.

Frederic Bastiat came out with his liberating economic philosophy as a reaction to the socialist takeover in the French Revolution and the type of serfdom it has created that very much continues today.  It is highly recomendable reading and study and elementary for creating a just society, and its all free on the net!  Go to the top link in this post to see more…

Download free “THE LAW”  Pdf from this adress (230kb):


VIDEO: TUPAC Lost interview pt. 3 & 4

2pac talks about Clinton, Government mobsters, Diddy and the shootings and his philosophy:

PROJECT CAMELOT: New Videos fro the Conferences this Summer

RICHARD DOLAN at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Confer

Homepage: http://keyholepublishing.com/

DUNCAN O’FINIOAN at the Project Camelot Conference, Sept 09

Homepage: http://duncanofinioan.com/index.php

ALEX COLLIER at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009

JORDAN MAXWELL at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009

Stephen Bassett talking about Disclosure

More on The Youtube-Channel