Mr Astrotheology | The meaning of it ALL

My new favorite lecturer.  Enjoy!

David Icke Debunked *Full Documentary*

Parallels between David Icke and Alice Bailey dismissing the Christ.

David Wilcock | The Source Field Investigations

A superb presentation by David Wilcock that really adds things up.  Enjoy!

Cosmic Harmony at 432 Hz

Documentary: Defamation (about the ADL)

Ancient Aliens – The Mission

Neturei Karta: Zionism is NOT Judaism!

Bill Cooper – The CNN Interview

All parts

The Transfer Agreement: Zionists Sign a Deal with Hitler in 1933

Aleister Crowley: In Search of the Great Beast 666

PLAYLIST HERE – One sick dude…

Classic E.T.: Alex Collier

Alien A-Z, Alpha Draconi to Zeta Reticuli.

AKIANE (young super-artist)

Hanne Nabintu Herland gir deg sannheten om Norge

Hanne Nabintu Herland viser seg å være en både smart og sexy relgionshistoriker!  Hun fikk passet sitt påskrevet av “fienden” når hun ytrett i media at vår “kjære” prinsesse er en heks.  At HKH Mærtha selv erkjente nekromansi i Stavanger Aftenblad, for senere å benekte det, sier det meste om den saken.

Hanne er aktuell med bestselgerboka ALARM, og hun er et godt bidrag til å få Norge til å vurdere sin nokså kritikkverdige posisjon i verden.

Årets hardeste debattbok! Hanne Nabintu Herland, kjent kontroversiell religionshistoriker og en av Norges mest TV- og medieprofilerte samfunnsdebattanter, beskriver hvordan Norge er i ferd med å begå kulturelt selvmord. Det er på tide å høyne respekten for den norske kulturen og dens tradisjonelle verdier. Det sylskarpe kampskriftet analyserer paradokset at Norge er et av verdens rikeste land som likevel sliter med store medmenneskelige utfordringer.

Sjekk ut dynamitt av et foredrag med Hanne her: (tilbake!)

Det tar for seg den monoteistiske Solkongen, Marxisme/Nasjonal Sosialisme, ateisme, Darwin og ulykkelighet, og det rettes sterk kritikk til våre ledere og universitet som nekter å åpne øynene for hva som skjer på resten av planeten vi bor på.

Besøk Hannes hjemmeside!


Never have I read a more complete text about the wonders and nature of God, of man, the universe and of the other Heavens.  By reading it I am also compelled to pass it on to you.

This is an Apocryphal text (Dead Sea Scrolls).  I am sure you will enjoy it!

THIS new fragment of early literature came to light through certain manuscripts which were recently found in Russia and Servia and so far as is yet known has been preserved only in Slavonic. Little is known of its origin except that in its present form it was written somewhere about the beginning of the Christian era. Its final editor was a Greek and the place of its composition Egypt. Its value lies in the unquestioned influence which it has exerted on the writers of the New Testament. Some of the dark passages of the latter being all but inexplicable without its aid.

Although the very knowledge that such a book ever existed was lost for probably 1200 years, it nevertheless was much used by both Christian and heretic in the early centuries and forms a most valuable document in any study of the forms of early Christianity.

The writing appeals to the reader who thrills to lend wings to his thoughts and fly to mystical realms. Here is a strange dramatization of eternity–with views on Creation, Anthropology, and Ethics. As the world was made in six days, so its history would be accomplished in 6,000 years (or 6,000,000 years), and this would be followed by 1,000 years of rest (possibly when the balance of conflicting moral forces has been struck and human life has reached the ideal state). At its close would begin the 8th Eternal Day, when time should be no more.


The Trap of Yahweh July 05, 2010, 07:14 AM

This is some real cryptic shit, MichelleNye:

Go to channel:

Droppin´ Science: DR PHIL VALENTINE

You´re about to witness the strength of esoteric street knowledge!

The rest…

Rabbi: “Zionists have hijacked the Jewish religion”

Did the Vatican Create Islam?

New Link: Hashem studios

The djinn and mindcontrol are keywords in this series of internet films.

Roger Morneau: A Trip Into The Supernatural

Full length version

Roger Morneau was involved in demon worship, lived in that world for many months, and escaped alive. He is able to give us inside information about it. It does not conform with popular notes of who parttakes and what the activities are. Roger was elected to be a member of an elite group of demon worshipers. When he was about to be permanently initiated he asked for help from higher powers to leave it alive. Interview with the famous author of the book titled the same.

Swedish: Roger Morneau har dragits in i den övernaturliga världen, levt där i flera månader och lämnat den levande. Han kan ge oss insides information om att den inte alls motsvarar våra förväntningar om vad det är, och vilka det är som deltar. Roger var aspirant i en elitgrupp av demontillbedjare och när prövotiden var slut fick han beskydd av högre makter att lämna den med livet i behåll. Intervju med den kända författaren till boken med samma namn.

Related:  Franz Mesmer