Documentary | The Revelation of the Pyramids 2011!/LawsonIntel

David Wilcock | The Source Field Investigations

A superb presentation by David Wilcock that really adds things up.  Enjoy!

Once upon a time in Norway

Norwegian black metal history 101:

AKIANE (young super-artist)

Don´t Go West!

You should see this production by The Celtic Rebel about Hollywoods Anal fixation!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Doing this 33 ass-ass-in, you will shut down your pineal-gland…

David Lynch: Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain

Radio: Benjamin Fulford on Rense – FEBRUARY 24. 2010

Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Solens rødglødende oppgang: Sosialisme og landet Norge

Dagens meningsmålinger (Januar 2010) sier at i dag er de borgerlige partiene i flertall og ville ha vunnet valget om det ble gjort i dag.  De borgerlige var egentlig i flertall ifølge valget-09 også.  Hadde demokratiet i praksis fungert ville ikke de røde og rødgrønne brun-fascistiske kateter-kommunistene fått stoppet distribusjonen av mennesker og velferd i nasjonen Norge i den grad vi befinner oss i nå.  Ta f.eks NSB´s tydligvis ikke-fungerende teknologi.  Det er ikke mange prosentene av landers olje-inntekter som skal til for å berike norges borgere med punktlig og komfortabel offentlig transport.  Kritikken går vel så mye til Oslo Sporveier, lokale buss-selskaper o.l.  Jeg kan komme meg hele døgnet med buss til f.eks. Drammen i fra Oslo, men her i Oslo stopper all “offentlig” transport rundt midnatt.  Enkelte natt-ruter kjøres på noen få unike dager vel å merke.  En buss trenger nødvendigvis ikke være full hele tiden for at ruten skal opprettholdes, dette er jo en av grunnene til at vi betaler staten skatt!  I stedet har styre og stell her i landet valg å bytte nordmenns opptjente verdier mot sentral-banken(es) verdiløse valuta og skjønnsmessige kunstige renter, altså ingen ting.  La pengene vi selv tjener være i fred så kan vi selv ha råd til en moderne bil-park, uten statens hjelp og klumsete veiledning.  Miljø-politikken deres er jo basert på manipulert forskning viser det seg nå.  Staten kan ikke få i pose og sekk lenger, den tid er forbi.  Staten har klort til seg folks materielle og spirituelle helse i lang lang tid.  Med sine underskudd på budsjettene idag, sitter de nå å slikker rene sin tallerkner.  Neste måltid serveres straks; skal vi la dem gå løs på oss eller skal vi selv høste hva planetens natur byr på i mangfold?  Byråkratiet krever dessuten mange trær, noe vi heller burde offre på veiutbygging som jeg ser det.  Noe som igjen ligger latterlig langt etter i Norge i forhold til Europa og resten av den siviliserte verden.  Staten er til for folket, ikke omvendt.

Men er det bedre at den høyre-orienterte og tradisjonelle støyringmetoden blir kuppet av internasjonale bilderbergere som Siv Jensen og Egil Myklebust?  Dette er bare en moderne vri og muligens det siste skrittet før fullbyrdelse av “jerngrepet” til den slavedrivende storbonden og en  “Ny verdens orden”.  Enn så lenge styringsmåten er et sosialistisk demokrati, vil også Høyres og FRP´s politikk bli farget av den sosialistiske parasitt og degenerert.  Jeg oppfordrer folk til å søke den orginale tanken bak nasjonen, og individets trygghet, f.eks. i forhold til fremmede lovbrytere.  En nasjon er en samlig av likesinnede, derfor burde ikke alle verdens land strømlinjeformes utenifra med hverandre kulturelt og relgiøst, men kun handelsmessig til en viss grad.  Nasjoners styrke kommer innenfra, og dette gjelder også oss mennesker.  Makt og valuta må nødvenigvis forbli lokalt styrt, men helst basert på et universielt kompatibelt system, som f.eks vekten av rent gull eller sukker.  Over en viss størelse vil hierarkier resonere med seg selv og selv være  sin egen årsaken til sin undergang og destruksjon.  Det handler ikke om rett og galt, det handler om balanse of fysikk.  Sosialisme handler dessverre ikke om å dele, men om å ta og lyve om å ta.

Tidligere SV-mann, journalist og forfatter, Erling Borgen adresserer, i dette klippet fra NRK, Sv´s svik i forhold til sitt partiprogram og sine velgere.  Du vil legge merke til hvordan de rødgrønnes representanter er mestere i moderne ordmagi, når Borgen enkelt legger 1+1 i sammen og konkluderer med at Sv faktisk administrerer Norges deltagelse av krig Afghanistan.  Bård Vegard Solhjell forsvarer dette med å si: “Sv går/gikk ikke innfor dette…” og beveger seg vekk for Borgens språk som var i presens og til en hypotetisk dimensjon.  Sjeldent kommer det enorme spriket mellom ord og handling hos enkelte norske ledere så klart frem.  Partipolitikk er også med på å begrense individets detaljerte og små ønsker og endringer, og dette forhindrer oss i å nå et nivå av krystallisert perfeksjonisme som potensielt allerede ligger i oss alle.

Vennlig hilsen Lasse Sver

Huxley contra Orwell


ART (?): The Teardrop Monument

VIDEOS: Ongoing series about the entertainment industry



Laurel Canyon – birthplace of the Flower Power

Jim Morrisons father started the Vietnam war…  A little cut n paste, like we do at CON.  ´Cause we like other writers work.  Jump to the blog and read it:

Essential European History: The Legacy of the Etruscans

A Presentation by: Gary Biltcliffe

Gary Biltcliffe, Independent Researcher,presents the ancient Pelasgi and Etruscan connections with Britain, magnificent megalithic stonework, lost cities, and the city state society of archaic Europe.

Thank you so much Gary – Great work!

Flashback: British “Heretical Two” hire US asylum lawyer

Stephen Whittle and Simon Sheppard;
convicted of disseminating hate speech in Britain,
skipped bail and seek asylum in the U.S. where such laws are less stringent.
Instead, they have spent the last 10 months held in the Santa Ana city jail
after a federal immigration judge denied them asylum

The label “Heretical Two” was applied to Simon Sheppard, 51, and Stephen Whittle, 42, when they were undergoing criminal trials in Leeds Crown Court in Britain on several speech-related charges.Sheppard created and administered and Whittle wrote under a pseudonym for a website–hosted by a server in California–found at

Sheppard has described his website as a mixture of “blasphemies, heresies, and scientific and general interest material” established to promote his ideas on subjects such as politics, race and gender relations. The site was operating legally in the United States, a fact Sheppard says he relied on; he and Whittle were prosecuted based on the charge that their writings could be viewed by persons in England and Wales.

Sheppard holds an Honors bachelor’s of science degree in mathematics from the University of Sussex and published two medical scientific papers prior to becoming a publisher and web developer. Whittle is a First Class Honors B.A. graduate in languages and linguistic science from the University of York, and has written numerous books.

Sheppard and Whittle have already been held in a U.S. jail 80 days under questionable proceedings, according to Leichty. The two had apparently just been admitted to the United States under the U.S. “visa waiver” program at Los Angeles International Airport July 14 when they approached an officer at the airport to announce they wanted to seek political asylum. They were then taken into custody and have been confined in a contract detention facility of Department of Homeland Security ever since, and subjected to proceedings where their immigration judge says she has no power to release them from detention until after they have proved their case for asylum. Leichty said he is analyzing the case in order to determine how best to challenge the confinement and advance their asylum claims. Their next hearing is set for October 14 at the federal courthouse in downtown Los Angeles.

From the Legal Defense Fund for the Heretical Press and BBC (and here) coverage. The excellent high-brow blog The Hoover Hog covers the affair in detail.

Roma: Porta Alchemica

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coordinates: 41.895412, 12.503771


Porta Alchemica (English: alchemical door) , or Alchemy Gate or Magic Portal, is an ancient monument built between 1678 and 1680 by Massimiliano Palombara marquis of Pietraforte (1614-1680) in his residence, Palombara villa, located in the east of Rome on the Esquilino hill in a position almost corresponding to Piazza Vittorio, where today was placed. Porta Alchemica is the only survivor of the five gates of the Palombara villa, there was an lost door on the opposite side enabling to give it a date of 1680, there were also four other inscriptions lost on the walls of the mansion inside the villa.  Read more…

Roma_Porta M

Zoom in on picture to get the Alchemical consept of the Gate!

Crop circles, Google Earth, and the logo mystery


On Google’s homepage today, the search giant swapped out its normal logo for a UFO-themed Google doodle. The illustrated flying saucer carved out “Goog e” in the corn field, and a little green tractor finishes off the “l.”
Such logo swaps are common for the tech titan, but what are they celebrating? Most of these “doodles” are tied to a particular anniversary or celebrity birthday. Why crop circles? Why today?

To add to the mystery, Google posted the coordinates “51.327629, -0.5616088” in a cryptic Twitter tweet. Curious searchers identified the spot as Horsell, England. Sci-Fi aficionados may recognize the name. In “War of the Worlds,” HG Wells wrote that Horsell residents witnessed the first UFO landing.

This has some Google watchers, including Guardian reporter John Vidal, insisting that the new logo is “almost certainly a viral marketing campaign teasing people ahead of some launch in a week or two. One possible explanation is that it’s trailing an online ‘happening’ that will coincide with the 143rd anniversary of Wells’s birth next week.”

Interesting theory. With people eager for more answers, online searches for “crop circles google earth” hit “volcanic” popularity this morning, according to Google Trends.

Source: Christian Science Monitor.

EXHIBITION: at Masonic HQ in London – Open for public!

Well worth to check out this Museum in London in Great Queen Street, if you are into esoteric stuff.  It´s loads of intriguing artifacts there.

The museum opened to the public 2 years ago at the same time it became a charity.

The exhibition is mainly about the Masons role in the French revolution, Very interesting indeed.

The library in the 1.floor (2.etg.) is also open for public view and they got a gift shop!

(You don´t need to take a tour to get in.)

Go to links under picture for further details.


New Swirled Order

A really nice documentary made in 2009 about crop circles from Germany.  Watch it!

New link added: Diego Rivera (1886-1957) – Art with a powerful message!

“La Creacion” – Diego Rivera

I´ve got an impression that many has slept on this amazing mural artist.  His work is much like the modern graffiti, but it has a much, much deeper level to it.  Quite successful and inovative in his workings, this Mexican was even hired to paint a huge wall in the Rockefeller placa, also known as the tower of the 666´es.  After it was done, the Rockefellers decided to paint it over and erase it.  The message in the art was too powerful and enlightening on certain topics, I guess.  If you ever go to Mexico City, be sure to visit the “BELLA ARTES” and see all the inside walls decorated by Diego.  His paintings illustrates our fascistic history with A-bombs, armies and skelletons in deep contrast with children, flowers and Butterflies.  But he is probably most known for his marriage with a confused woman called Frida Kahlo, another senseless, well known artist , whos probably been cannonized by the commercial world to put the real genius in the shadows.  From visiting the house the lived in, I got the impression that she was control-freak and that she adopted her whole style from her man, but lacking.  The Great ones surely are the most miserable in this “modern” world (like Munch or Van Gogh.)  Please check out his work and illuminate yourself!  I love this pioneer very much.  Rest in peace Diego! B.