Documentary | The Revelation of the Pyramids 2011!/LawsonIntel

Drunvalo Melchizedek | Birth of a New Humanity

A wonderful story!

Ancient Aliens – The Mission

Hidden History: Klaus Dona (Project Camelot)

Klaus Dona comes from the art world. As Art Exhibition Curator for the Habsburg Haus of Austria, Klaus has organized exhibitions world wide. With this background his approach to archeology is unconventional. He has traveled the world in search of unique and unexplained findings. Intrepid and unrelenting he is on a mission to bring to the eye of the public such finds as giant bones, crystal skulls, carvings and sculptures in forms that do not fit into the contemporary view of our timeline.

We spent an afternoon with him in Vienna talking at length about his process, his particularly stunning finds and why he is motivated to pursue this unusual vocation. Staunchly open minded, he refuses to retreat in the face of skepticism and doubt. Low on funding, he presses on to discover the real mysteries, going down through the centuries and excavating artifacts that science does not allow for, proving the existence of physical proof that humanity has barely grazed the surface of our heritage here on Earth.

Nassim Haramein: Crossing the Event Horizon 2 – The Sun, Another Cycle Begins

Check the Sun´s activity and energy-level realtime yourself at: &

And for more on the Solar-cycles go to: &

Blue spiral in Tromsø, Norway EXPLAINED! – H.A.A.R.P EISCAT /Operation Blue Beam

Public Disclosure Dec 9. 2009

David Wilcock got the 411:


Here´s what happend this morning!

Amazingly, the media has done a really poor job researching this!  The only thing written is about is a “Russian” rocket failure, that also looks very unlikely on the photos, and was even denied by Russian Agencies.  The official story is´nt even secret, as the picture and links above prove.  We can clearly see two opposing forces in society working here.

New video link:


Get your Mayan Sun Sign HERE!

MAYAN Calendar: “The 6th. & Last Night” Nov.8.2009 – Nov.2.2010

PROJECT CAMELOT: New Videos fro the Conferences this Summer

RICHARD DOLAN at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Confer


DUNCAN O’FINIOAN at the Project Camelot Conference, Sept 09


ALEX COLLIER at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009

JORDAN MAXWELL at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009

Stephen Bassett talking about Disclosure

More on The Youtube-Channel

Response to EARTHENIGMA’S BLOG-post: What if the Illuminati were the good guys?

Go to EARTHENIGMA’S blog here.

What if Freemasonry got both “good” and “bad” members? Just like your class or job…

Or what if the Illuminati is just a description and not realy a organized group…

What if the Illuminati is the Italian MAFIA…

What if the esoteric tools are just tools, and you can use them for either good or bad…

What if our collective flight from responsibility have left a space for someone like Bush or Berlusconi to take…

What if 9.11 was pulled off by some people inside the US-government, but not by the government itself…

What if our pursue of material goods makes us lose our souls…

What if the war on drugs is a war on us (the people)…

What if life´s mystery-schools became secret, at a point in time, because the Roman Church persecuted the religious practitioners…

What if Freemasonry was infiltrated and perverted by dark forces in the 1700´s…

What if Freemasonry erects the national state on the foundation of the family, with the man as the acting “head”…

And Catho-communists are confused feminists and materiarcs who jealously oppose the rule of Christ and the Davidic Royal Bloodline given by the True GOD…

What if Freemasonry is Kabbala for Gentiles…

What if Freemasonry is Catholisism for Protestants…

What if Jesuits invent conspiracy theories to hide their own deeds…

What if the world economy has to lose it´s unserious companies to make a change for a better future…

What if tha mayan endate actualy is Oct.28.2011…

What if Angels & Demons lives inside our thought-realm…

What if UFOs are Demons… or Angels.

What if Quantum-physics is the truth…

What if that you call good and bad doesn´t excist in the real world…

What if someone sees GOD and want to be obedient…

What if someone sees GOD and want to be free…

What if a slave of GOD really is Free…

What if everything happens for a reason…

What if you follow your heart instead of the brain…

Angels sees the variety of life in many beautiful colors…

Demons only sees things as Black & White!


VIDEO: Carl Calleman The Mayan Calendar and Money

VIDEO: The Maya Of Eternal Time – Drunvalo Melchizedek 2009

This is a web broadcast of Drunvalo Melchizedek about the mayan prophecies about 2012, The leader of the mayan council of elders Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez has given his approval to Drunvalo to tell the world what the mayans themself have to say about the 2012 prophecies, this is the first time they reveal to the world what they think will happen.

See all 14 episodes at