David Wilcock | The Source Field Investigations

A superb presentation by David Wilcock that really adds things up.  Enjoy!


Change is on the Horizon

Change is on the Horizon is the epic story of how the world lost its soul and how it will gain it back. Directed and narrated by James Rink.

Part 1 Dawn of the Golden Age – Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of a enlightened era which soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.


Part 2 – The American Federal Empire. America was always meant to be always a shinning beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world. But the machinations of British bankers and the Rothschild’s soon destroyed all that was once good in this great land.


Part 3 – The Farmer Claim Program – Discuses how a class action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990’s lead to the creation of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.


Foredrag|Illuminati for folk flest

Onsdag, 23. Mars 2011, 19:00 – 21:00

Sted Unity, Rom 608

Dette foredraget vil bli holdt for 2. gang 23. mars, pga. stor interesse for temaet og god respons.

–  Illuminatis blodslinjer

–   Hemmelige selskaper

–  Det globale pengesystemet

–  Illuminatis målsettinger

–  Illuminati som illusjonsskapingens mestere (med eksempler)

–  Om utøvelsen av skjult makt

–  Illuminatis modus operandi

–  Norge under “ytre innflytelse” i etterkrigstiden

–  Illuminati-kontrollerte organisasjoner

–  Illuminati i underholdningsindustrien

–  Presentasjon av noen Illuminati-bakmenn

–  Sabotasjeaksjoner for politiske mind control-formål

–  Forvarsler fra Illuminati

–   Kampanjer mot NWO-ulydige norske politikere

–   Okkulte ritualer og okkult praksis

–   Utdrag fra instruksjoner for et okkult rituale

–    Illuminati som religiøs bevegelse


Navn på kontaktperson: Hans K. Gaarder
Telefon: 90 19 78 81
e-mail: hansgaarder@gmail.com
Pris: 100,-

Templar history, secrets and intent

Part 2 3 4 5

Leo Zagami Cosmic Alchemy Conference

PARTs 2 3 4


Föreläsning: ”Prieuré de Sion bakom myterna” – 25.juli 2010, kl 15:00, Göteborg

Inbjudan – Humanitasföreläsning :

Det omtvistade sällskapet Prieuré de Sion har det spekulerats brett om i media, litteratur och film under de senaste åren. Det har menats vara allt från ett snart tusenårigt hemlig ordenssamfund med kontroll över antika heliga artefakter, kunskaper om hemliga blodslinjer, i besittning av läror vilka skulle kunna skaka samhället i dess grundvalar och vara de vilka styr bakom om frimurare, rosenkorsare och andra så kallade hemliga sällskap, till en ren bluff skapat i Frankrike under 1950-talet som en katolsk riddareorden med en reaktionär agenda. Men vad är sanningen om detta sällskap? Finns det verkligen? Har det överhuvudtaget någonsin funnits? Finns det idag och i så fall vad handlar det hela om? Dessa är några av de frågor som skall under föreläsningen få sina svar.

Sällskapet Prieuré de Sion bakom myterna – idag skall förlåten dragas åt sidan!

Tid: 25 juli 2010, 15:00 – ca. 17:30

Plats: Studieförbundet SV, Redbergsskolan – Örngatan 6 (bakom Halta Lottas krog vid Redbergs-platsen), Göteborg

Vägbeskrivning: spårvagn linje 1, 3, 6 och 8 eller buss nummer 17, 53, 60, 62, 63 eller 78 Hållplats: Redbergsplatsen

Fritt inträde till samtliga arrangemang, men gåvor emottager tacksamt för att täcka omkostnaderna. Samtliga föredrag följs av samtal och diskussion och med fikapaus i mitten. Carl Ek föreläser.

Alla intresserade hälsas välkomna!

För vidare information, vänligen kontakta Carl Ek:  carl.ek@mail.se

Eric Phelps: Freemasonry

Radio: Benjamin Fulford on Rense – FEBRUARY 24. 2010

Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Book: “Schwedenkiste” – Illuminati survived in Scandia

From: http://www.bavarian-illuminati.info/?p=332

After Adam Weishaupt had fled in 1785, the center of activity for the Illuminati shifted from Bavaria to the Duchies of Saxe-Gotha and Saxe-Weimar. And while the founder of the Illuminati was content to safely settle down for the long haul at the court of Duke Ernst II of Saxe Gotha, Johann Joachim Christoph Bode (1730-1793) took the reins and assumed the role previously held by Weishaupt.

Through the efforts of Bode and an expanding network of recruits – and under the protection of the Illuminati Dukes Karl August of Saxe-Weimar and Ernst II of Saxe-Gotha – new colonies were established in places like France, Russia and Italy. Bode kept the Weimar and Gotha Lodges Amalia and Ernst Zum Kompass informed of his activities, but the bulk of the evidence of continued Illuminati activity remained in his possession.

Ensuring that whatever they contained would remain secret, upon Bode’s death in December 1793 his literary executor, Illuminatus Christian Gottlieb von Voigt (1743–1819), transferred his deceased friend’s possessions to Duke Ernst II of Saxe-Gotha who had already bought the voluminous papers before Bode died.

Bode’s legacy was too damaging, and after a brief inspection the Duke had the papers sealed (merging them with his own), and changed his will to stipulate that his Masonic legacy should be sent to the Grand Lodge in Sweden after his death – protected and secure from publication.

The Duke died in April 1804, whereupon the transfer of these documents was duly carried out, confidentially, under the auspices of surviving members of the Illuminati.

With the supervision of the Swedish royal family, the Grand Lodge of Sweden protected the legacy of the Illuminatus for over 70 years. In 1883, however, following a request from the Duke’s great-grandchild – Duke Ernst II of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1818-1893), a Mason himself – they were returned, and again became the property the Gotha Lodge Ernst Zum Kompass. (The documents of the Ernst/Bode estate were transported via rail, in a large wooden box. This is where the term “Schwedenkiste” or “Swedish Box” originates.)

It was organized in 1919 into 20 volumes along with registries and lists of its contents.

The Nazis confiscated it 1935/6 under a general suppression of Freemasonry; it was moved to Silesia during the war, and was subsequently stolen by the Russians and transferred to the Soviet Union. Most of it was returned to (East) Germany in 1950s – volumes 1-9 and 11-20 – but the tenth-volume remained in Moscow.

Monika Neugebauer-Wölk writes: After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the partial opening of the Russian archives to international research, the tenth volume of the Swedish Box was rediscovered by the Merseburg archivist Renate Endler in the Moscow special archive. As a consequence of German reunification, the Freemasonry archives were transferred in 1994 from Merseburg to the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. Here the estate of Bode is available for scholarly use with permission of the Grand National Mother-Lodge “Zur den drei Weltkugeln”. – Monika Neugebauer-Wölk, “Illuminaten” entry, in Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism, ed. Wouter J. Hanegraaff, Brill Academic Publishers, 2005, p. 596.

Faithfully adhering to Ernst’s order not to publish any of this material, safely in Sweden during most of the 19th- and then Gotha into the 20th-century, the papers of Bode were kept under lock and key. Only a few pre WWI and WWII scholars were even allowed to examine them; Leopold Engel and René Le Forestier, for instance, but they weren’t given full access, and what they intended to publish was closely scrutinized.

With the entire comprehensive collection restored and accessible to research, much has been learned about the Illuminati’s makeup and activities in the latter half of the 1780s: Quibus licet reports from the initiates themselves, minutes of meetings, protocols for provincials and prefects, and lists of members and their aliases.

One of the first researchers to make full use of the material was Hermann Schüttler. While utilizing his Die Mitglieder des Illuminatenordens 1776-1787/93 [The Members of the Order of the Illuminati 1776-1787/93] (Munich: Ars Una 1991) as a source for my own book, for instance, I was struck by how many times references to the Schwedenkiste were cited as proof of membership for a number of initiates. That was in 1991, however, when Volume X of the Swedish Box was still missing in Moscow. In 1997 he subsequently published “Zwei freimaurerische Geheimgesellschaften des 18. Jahrhunderts im Vergleich: Strikte Observanz und Illuminatenorden” [A Comparison of Two 18th-Century Masonic Secret Societies: Strict Observance and Illuminatenorden]. Whereas in 1991 the number of confirmed Illuminati members was 1255, Schüttler, largely by utilizing Volume X, managed to increase the number to 1394.

One thing that became clear from the new evidence found in the Swedish Box was the fundamental importance of pedagogy to the Illuminati. So much so, that Peggy Pawlowski’s 2004 doctoral thesis is dedicated to the subject: Der Beitrag Johann Adam Weishaupts zur Pädagogik des Illuminatismus [Johann Adam Weishaupt’s Contribution to the Pedagogy of Illuminatism] (2004). To Pawlowski, the Illuminati can be thought of as the executive arm of the Aufklärung [the German Enlightenment].

The educational theories of Rousseau and Basedow were just that – theories. In order to effectively change society, the Illuminati reasoned, the new pedagogy had to be implemented by either taking control of existing institutions (which they did) or by founding some of their own. An instance of the latter is the Schnepfenthal Educational Institute in Gotha. As the material found in the Swedish Box confirms, at all stages of its financing, establishment and staffing, the hand of the Illuminati is clearly discerned. (See Christine Schaubs’ “Salzmanns Schulgründung im Lichte der Illuminaten” [Salzmann’s School was Clearly Founded by the Illuminati] and “Die Erziehungsanstalt in Schnepfenthal im Umfeld geheimer Sozietäten” [Secret Societies and the Educational Institute in Schnepfenthal]; and Perfectibilists, pp. 403-5.)

This post is dedicated to the norwegian prof. (ehm!) at UIO –  Øystein Sørensen , and his Illuminati denile mission.  Here´s a picture that might be of him.  Sørensen is also considered an expert on the Donald Duck universe, what a coincidence, LOL!  I have to admit he´s right that Illuminatus doesn´t exist, IT´S CALLED ILLUMINATI YOU FOOL!  Sørensen is also a nationalist, socialist, ateist…

R.I.P. Eustace Mullins (1923 – 2010)

The controversial historian and free-thinker Eustace Mullins dies. Mullins was the protégé of Ezra Pound.

Listen to the radio-reportage about Mullins and Pound at Iamthewitness (MP3).

Benjamin Fulford David Wilcock Interview

Illuminati rule to end this year, maybe even this week!

See pt 1 ,  pt 2,  pt 3, pt 4pt 5pt 6pt 7pt 8pt 9 and pt 10

Full MP3: http://divinecosmos.com/podcasts/Fulford-Wilcock_1-10_final.mp3

Transcript on Divine Cosmos: http://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start-here/davids-blog/807-fulford-interview-exclusive

Benjamin Fulford .net:  http://benjaminfulford.net/2010/01/04/illuminati-rule-to-end-this-year-maybe-even-this-week/

Benjamin Fulford Blog:  http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/2009/08/欧米文明の堕落の原因は莫大な犯罪組織の欲望であった.html

OPERATION STILLPOINT STOPPED:   http://worldreports.org/news/257_operation_stillpoint_to_destroy_america_stopped

Guénon and Agarttha

Gustav Dore, Descent?

Just published: Marco Baistrocchi, “Agarttha: A Guénonian Manipulation?” Theosophical History, Occasional Papers, vol. 12. This is a translation by Joscelyn Godwin of three articles originally published in Italian in Politica Romana in the 1990s, by an Italian diplomat. An “engaged” author rather than a scholarly one, but still worth reading.

The whole question of Agarttha and Guénon’s Le roi du monde(The King of the World, 1927) is puzzling. In Le roi du monde, Guénon endorsed views about the existence of “Agarttha,” ahidden subterranean initiatic kingdom, that were highly imaginative. Guénon did not always check his sources as painstakingly as is required in academia, but on no other occasion did he devote so much energy to something quite so unlikely.Why?

Baistrocchi provides a useful introduction to, and summary of, the problem. He also more or less excludes one possible answer to the question. Guénon can hardly have actually believed the imaginative accounts he endorsed in Le roi du monde. He knew, as Baistrocchi shows (p. 22 and passim), one of the main sources for the imaginative account of Agarttha, Louis Jacolliot’sLes Fils de Dieu (1873). But…  Jacolliot was writing not about Agarttha, but about Asgard, the abode of the Norse gods!

From the Traditionalist blog. Related material “The Western Mystery Tradition(s): Factions and Fault Lines” from the Egregores blog.

The Secret of the Universe – Magnetism, Coral Castle and the Freemasons

The ancient secrets of antigravity are revealed as the result of an in depth study – clues left by Edward Leedskalnin at Coral Castle, and the Freemasons Lodge (Grand Masonic Lodge) at Philadelphia. The Golden Ratio (Phi), or the Golden Section, and it’s relationship to Prime Numbers, Prime Quadruplets, and the Pyramid Shape with an angle of 51.83 degrees is revealed for the first time! The formerly hidden secrets of anti-gravity and magnetism are here. The Star of David hexagram is a key as well, along with the number 144. Learn how the ancient megaliths of the world were really constructed. The best way to a real antigravity solution – infinitely easier to construct than Searl, Hutchison, and others. This is the final version of part 1. See www.code144.com for future releases.

One World Currency: Ready to go!

The world in a coin. This is our vision, our hope. It is a necessity and a challenge. What seems an impossible dream becomes an inevitable historic, economic and social process. It is an event which is intertwined with the fate of human evolution.

A single currency becomes the premise for an increasingly global planet. A virtual currency capable of speaking a single, comprehensible language to foster humankind’s innate desire to go farther, to surpass boundaries, and move towards true principles of peace, freedom, brotherhood and understanding beyond issues of race, political and religious beliefs and party interests.

We are presenting the peoples of nations, governments, institutions, intellectuals, ordinary people, pragmatists and idealists, scholars and, above all, young people – the real protagonists of the future – with a simple, ingenuous yet determined long-term vision for building an ideal bridge with tomorrow and interpreting a dream to transform into reality.

In this program, currency yet again assumes the principle goal which it has had since its invention centuries ago: to facilitate and codify human commercial and social exchange. And become a form of pure “communication” between different peoples – a communication of ideas, ideals, information and culture. This constitutes progress, development and well being.

From:   http://www.futureworldcurrency.com/

The announcement by the United Nationsthis week that it will license the minting of silver and gold bullion coins bearing the UN logo may be the button that launches metal prices into orbit.


July 10 (Bloomberg) — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev illustrated his call for a supranational currency to replace the dollar by pulling from his pocket a sample coin of a “united future world currency.”

“Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in L’Aquila, Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it.”

From: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aeFVNYQpByU4

United Nations and the Development Goals (video)

(Links to youtube!  Won´t repost.  3 parts.  MUST SEE!)

youtube=http://www.youtube.com/user/LucisTrust#p/u/13/393tVhskfkw pt.1

youtube=http://www.youtube.com/user/LucisTrust#p/u/12/OowfzLjgmsg pt.2

youtube=http://www.youtube.com/user/LucisTrust#p/u/11/5wXPMl26VGw pt.3

Also go here:   http://www.lucistrust.org/en/productions/programs_on_youtube

I don´t know what´s wrong (with me), but I don´t believe these Neo-paganist are out for REALLY good through the UN (read as one word!).  Some one is playing on both teams here.  In the first clip f.x.  She says the UN are NOT…  Which are like two – makes a + !  Have you seen their cars reading UNHCR?  UnHolyCHrist!?   Peace.

Ark of the Covenant – Ronn Wyatt

Short version:

Long Version:

Re: Richard Dawkins – “What if you’re wrong?”


Zionism and Herzl: The Antisemitic Side of Zionism

Update on Leo Zagami

A LOYAL ZION MAGE?  Much is being said about Leo!  He was the founder of the Committee Of Hope, now called The Club Of Now.  But most of all he is a profiled and knowledgable soldier in the metaphysical war, that often is related to as “Angels & Demons”.  He is also a very caring and interesting friend and a true Brother of humanity.  His and our main object is the protection and preservation of the Spirit in a society which is swallowed by MATERialism and an abstract idea of what money really is.  This is an important cause for a few of us daring to call ourselves HUMANS, and not just men or simply profane.

Off course his message has been heavily miss-understood in general, and even meddlers of the lower frequencies and nature-mages, so popular in this modern time, are afraid of what the light he shines on his listeners will eventually do to the men who holds the power of the distribution of wealth today and their shortcoming future.  The way “THEY” conceals their practices with black magik might very well be aligned to how certain homosexuals is trapped in the closet, and dare not to stand up even for themselves.  Get it?

Well, as we all have seen in the news and such, the world is infact changing for the better, little by little.  But one major issue is the misuse of natural forces through Technology, Propaganda and Mind-control, and it might be smart for the instinctive survivalist to study WHITE Magik to ward off  Parasitic “Demons” of the Sosialist agenda and so forth.  He´s only trying to help you see something, but many are already obsessed with thoughts and ideas preventing them and aiding in avoiding, the Zombies, from receiving real light, boundless love and the BIG picture.

“Let the one without sin cast the first stone!” Many also react negative to how he has played out his divorce in public.  Maybe rightfully, perhaps not.  The BOOK says: “Those who conceals their faults will NOT prosper”.  This means that those concerned with holding up the beautiful facade will be busy just doing that, and will never evolve past the idea of a flawless image / murky inside, to the real flawlessness that the idea of the creator brings forth in the potential of nature and reach their true self and the realisation of destiny, or transcendence through the densities.  Stuck in that modern corner, you will surely dismiss Leo´s Traditionalistic message.  True Beauty comes from within, and are associated with perfection.

Check this interview from Supressed Stories made by a Norwegian in exile:


Leo appears in this rather superficial new norwegian magazine called SMUG #1.  It gives you a short A 2 Z on Leos workings in Norway and more.  But sadly, only a chosen few has the eye to see where he is comming from and what the subject really is about.  Many of his friends don´t even have a clue and are afraid of piercing through to his heart.  I guess they have more then enough trouble of satisfying themselves in this god-forsaken time we find ourselves in now.  The article is only in written norwegian tho.

Here is also an in depth interview with Leo on Nightwatch earlier this year 2009.

Also the book “THE WORK”  by Zagami & Fullford is published in Japaneese now.

Norway IS the last stand for ateism, serfdom and hard power, and a spiritual war is sweeping over this icy rock we call home.  Are you ready to take part?  For you must choose a side, or rather a future.  Certain Norwegians have a very broad and bad influence on the world events, and especially wars, and the majority of the worlds inhabitants would appreciate if us Norwegians would clean the monkeys (APes/socialists) out our own garden I´m CONvinced!

Stop being Fake!  What you don´t know IS also TRUE…

Let the REAL O´Bwama stand up!!!

Profound and accurate criticism of a socialist (p)sychophant!

Black Hollywood: The Raping of Masonic Symbolism