Peter Levenda | Secret Space Program

Finally!  Peter Levenda rounds up everything the dark side has done in the 1900’s and ties it all up to a carpet that he lifts to unveil the crazy hidden history of the infamous Nazi Ufo scientists.  Watch this if you wonder about interlinkage between SS, CIA, WW2 spies, vatican, OTO, NASA, the Kennedy assassination, South Americas etc, etc.  This is one of the best presentations I have ever seen on the subject for real!

David Wilcock | The Source Field Investigations

A superb presentation by David Wilcock that really adds things up.  Enjoy!

The NAZI UFOs story

Why UFOs and the occult religions are connected and why we are interressed in both.  This one rounds it up:


Good to see them back togheter again!

UFO ORB over Jerusalem?

Also see the comparison with these three to the fourth video fake and planted to debunk, YouTube.

Was this predicted by Stanley A. Fulham(?):

(Part 2)

Read the comprehensive news overview from The Examiner. Also check out “Spectacular Jan 18, 2011 Moscow UFO part fulfillment of ET council’s prediction?” from The Examiner.

Another “War of the Worlds”-like event or could this be a case of UFO-tourism (if you came from another planet who wouldn’t visit The Dome of the Rock)? Seems like some flash-photography is going on before the “take-off”.

Ancient Aliens – The Mission

Bill Cooper – The CNN Interview

All parts

Classic E.T.: Alex Collier

Alien A-Z, Alpha Draconi to Zeta Reticuli.

Drunvalo Melchizedek on ETs, Historical Universal Evolution, Poles shift and 2012 (Part 1)

Plasma Beings ITs with Drunvalo Melchizedek (Part 2/2)

AARON McCOLLUM: Stargate Seagate and special ops

A myriad of earthquakes has hit offshore Yemen and the gulf of Adan last week.  There is also supposed to be a massive international military float there.  Rumors of a sunken stargate known as seagate are also flourishing on the net.  Is it active?

Watch this Project Camelot-tape for clues:

The former interview:

The Nazi Vril Cult

The VRIL society:

Books on this:

The Untold UFO War in Antarctica

Operation Highjump and Hitlers escape

One of the two last submarines belonging to the Nazis, the U-977, docked in Norway at the end of WW2, so this CON has to adress!  We still have problems with sosiopath fascists running the government in this country.

This CT came back into my mainframe recently.  I was provided some TV-productions I didn´t see before, but the theories is as old as the war itself.

Keywords like, Hitler didn´t die in Berlin, Nazi UFO base in Antarctica, Operation Paperclip/Nazis run the CIA and lying eyewitnesses are being challenged.

One rumor states Admiral Bird was sent on a 8 month mission (Operation Highjump) to Antarctica, only to come back after 3 with less soldiers, less warplanes, great defeat and confusion.  Surely very emberrasing!  It supposedly also was a big hole in the sea-carrier used.  Another rumor is that Hitler lived with his wife in Argentina til he died 87 years old, outlived by Eva Braun.

Did Dr.Death Mengele flee to Brazil and continued his work on human genetics there somewhere like it´s portrayed in the movie “The Boys from Brazil“?

The videos posted also compromises that the russian kept skull of Hitler isn´t his, but of a young woman!

OK, press play on tape:

Parts 2 3 4 5 6

Parts 2 3 4 5 (counter propaganda?)

Parts 2 3 4 5

So the story of the Third Reich disc programs does not end with the collapse of the
Third Reich itself. It continues unresolved…

Related links:

PS:  The Nazis developed our modern medicine and the PR-techniques used today around the world…


Leo Zagami Cosmic Alchemy Conference

PARTs 2 3 4


Disclosure is imminent

New UFO documentary  spins off in to Norwegian mainstream media:

Terje Toftenes is the man behind the film thedaybeforedisclosure.  Terje went to the US to tape Dr.Greer, Bob Dean and others known from youtube and such.

Today we read on that UFOs disabled US atomic weapons.  Not unknown to people surfing fringy web-sites, but nonetheless sensational, true or false…

Is this an atempt to make us believe angels are physical or is it the truth?

Finally disclosure is coming to Norway, or is it just ridicule again…



I don´t have words to describe this, but I feel CON-followers should see this so hold tight!

Ashayana Deane

I went to Florida to interview A’shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses. This information is highly complex and detailed. She and two other “speakers” as they call themselves are receiving this information via telepathic downloads. They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances, a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.

This interview is the first part of several hours I spent with Ashayana Deane and the others working with her on briinging the science of Keylonta to the planet. Keylonta is the science of “light, sound, subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter”. The many images on the video of charts and “maps” depict these concepts in a visual manner aimed at stimulating memory and re-awkening the DNA pathways in the viewer. The .pdf files for download are available for purchase at Azurite Press to assist those who are interested in following along more closely while watching the video.

Because of the complex but vital information presented here I encourage anyone who is interested to do further research and to visit the website for more information. Classes and DVDs are available there as well:

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
May 2010

Issues of MindControl – Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde –

The boys from Nyhetsspeilet has done a very good video-interview.  See it!

See the rest of it here:

Visit also:

Classic: Interview with an Ex-Vampire / Bill Schnoebelen

About Bill Schnoebelen

Bill SchnoebelenBill is an internationally recognized speaker and author of seven books and countless booklets, articles and tracts. He and his wife, Sharon have been happily married for 30 years. He graduated from Loras College in 1971 with a degree in music and education. BillSchnoebelen.jpg – 17293 BytesHe received his Masters in Theological Studies degree from St. Francis School of Pastoral Ministry in 1980 and his Master of Arts degree in counseling from Liberty University in 1990. He is also a Naturopathic doctor, a Nutritional Herbologist and a Certified Natural Health Professional. Bill is listed in Who’s Who in Religion.

Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie is a survey of the modern “white witchcraft” scene from the standpoint of one who was a high priest for more than a dozen years and who taught and initiated hundreds of Wiccan novices. The Craft’s harmless appearance is revealed to be a mask for a more ominous spirituality.

He has been studying religion and spirituality in one form or another all of his life, and is an ordained minister. Additionally, he has been a careful student of the UFO phenomenon since the late 1960’s. He was gloriously saved by Yah’shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) in 1984.

Bill is a recognized authority on alternative religions and the occult, and spent sixteen years as a teacher of witchcraft, spiritism and ceremonial magick. His spiritual search also included seven years in the Church of Satan. Additionally, he spent nine years as an active member of the Freemasonic fraternity and five years as a devout member of the LDS (Mormon) church, where he held numerous offices, including elders’ quorum president. He and his wife also held temple recommends in the LDS church for four years.

Lucifer Dethroned: A True StoryBill’s books include Lucifer Dethroned (autobiographical) and Blood on the Doorpost, which he co-authored with his wife. The first book is a gripping account of his descent into the darkest side of mysticism and magick and his restoration through grace and the love of Yah’shua (Jesus). It is additionally, a very thorough historical survey of contemporary Satanism. The second book is gleaned from their thousands of hours of counseling with people coming out of oppressive religious systems or dysfunctional relationships and functions as aa graduate level course on prayer therapy and spiritual warfare.

Masonry: Beyond the Light has been described as the finest book on Freemasonry written by a former Mason and is our best selling book. It is a thorough survey of the history of the lodge and an examination of the spiritual dynamics which underlie it, especially in relation to the Bible.

Space Invaders is another top seller, and is the fruit of nearly thirty years of research into the UFO enigma. It contains astonishing answers to some of the most perplexing aspects of flying saucers and also the alien abduction phenomena which seems to be sweeping the country. It places the saucers and the aliens under the light of Yahweh God’s Holy Word with amazing results which will prepare you for some of the coming end-times deceptions.










This must be my alltime favorite video!  I can´t even imagine how many Hollywood-movies has been based on these stories.

Go to the official website and ministry and sign up for the Great Lords protection!

Benjamin Fulford David Wilcock Interview

Illuminati rule to end this year, maybe even this week!

See pt 1 ,  pt 2,  pt 3, pt 4pt 5pt 6pt 7pt 8pt 9 and pt 10

Full MP3:

Transcript on Divine Cosmos:

Benjamin Fulford .net:

Benjamin Fulford Blog:欧米文明の堕落の原因は莫大な犯罪組織の欲望であった.html


Dogon Tribe High Science






