Per Aslak Ertresvåg

Still alive! We are deeply sorry about the earlier post and beeing used to further spread this evil rumour about an untrue death.    (And let me add, it´s the second time this rumour is appearing.)  This also means sources are misinforming not only us.  Still I want to make know that Ertresvåg himself believes he is a target for modern freequency weapons.

Here is links to Per Aslak Ertresvåg books:  SOV, MITT LILLE NORGE &       MAKTEN BAK MAKTEN , they are unique seen in the Norwegian setting.

Keep up with Ertresvågs latest movements on his blog:   

Ark of the Covenant – Ronn Wyatt

Short version:

Long Version:

Re: Richard Dawkins – “What if you’re wrong?”

Zionism and Herzl: The Antisemitic Side of Zionism

Judaism, Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Resonate Positivity Now!!!

Love and Appreciation

Dr. Masaru Emoto has discovered the magical Beauty of water and the effect of words that are positive, negative and inbetween.  See also what he thinks of the resonance of the word “kill” written on a pack of cigarettes:

Brazil boy found with 40 needles in ‘black magic rite’

A Brazilian toddler has been found with some 40 needles inside him, which police say his stepfather inserted during a possible “black magic” ritual.

Police said Roberto Carlos Magalhaes had confessed to sticking the sewing needles into the two-year-old boy, and had been arrested.

Mr Magalhaes said his mistress had told him ritually to kill the child to take revenge on his wife.

Doctors are set to begin operating on Thursday to remove some of the needles.

The toddler was taken to hospital in the north-eastern Bahia state by his mother, complaining of stomach pains and vomiting.

X-rays showed scores of sewing needles inside his neck, torso and legs. At least one had punctured a lung, another his liver.

‘Revenge attack’

Police said Mr Magalhaes had broken down and confessed after being arrested.

“He did that for revenge, to get back at his wife,” the police chief in the town of Ibotirama, Helder Fernandes Santana, was quoted as saying by AFP news agency.

“His mistress told him to kill the child through a macabre ritual,” Mr Santana said.

The boy’s mother told police she suspected the child had been the victim of a black magic ritual after she found suspicious objects in the home she shared with Mr Magalhaes – her husband of six months – and her six children.

Doctors said most of the needles would be removed, but not the ones inside organs as their removal could cause more damage.

They said there were no signs of wounds on the boy.

Reports say the boy is in a serious condition, but that he has shown some improvement since being admitted to hospital on Sunday.

More on: &

The Secretary General Of The United Nations Says That The Climate Change Treaty Will Be Enforced By Global Governance

The Secretary General of the United Nations is being very clear what it will take to implement a climate change treaty: “We will establish a global governance structure to monitor and manage the implementation of this.”

The U.S. Constitution states that the president cannot sign treaties without the approval of two-thirds of the Senate.  Is Barack Obamaabout to violate the Constitution by signing a treaty in Copenhagen?

Are the Russians suggesting that the entire global temperature record used by the IPCC to inform world government policy is a crock?


Cloning passport card RFIDs in bulk for under $250

Zero Point Energy Machine That Works – Shocking Footage!


Say it out loud: “I´m a climate Heretic!

You´ll have to find the other episodes yourself, they are all spread out. 😉

Norwegian primeminister drunken speech on May Day/ Statsministerens fyllepreik 1. Mai

This is obviously  and older clip, but never the less…

It´s a 1. of May speech and is really messing it up and he is  taking the piss on Traditionalism.  He is the chairman of the Labor-party (nsd)AP in Norway.

The night leading to the 1. of May (MAYDAY) is filled with partying here in Norway.  The modern tradition of the last 10-15 years has resulted also in to rave parties.  And not with out danger, because a lot of young, also very young, people has suffered OD´s this very date due to large amount of chemical drugs flowing at such parties and elsewhere.  But in general people “only” fry their brains out on alkohol.

Site of Battle of Glen Trool, 1307:  In 1307 Robert the Bruce with a few infantry let 1500 English soldiers with cavalry chase him up this south side of Glen Trool. At this point he had laid an ambush, the rest of his men rolled stones down this hillside to pitch men and horses into the loch, and followed up by attack with archers, so defeating the English.

Anyway, it is a day conected to the celebrating of international socialism, the historical zionism in a veil.  In other words, the cult of “anti-social behavior”, a very grave danger.

Go to work this day!  You should celebrate that you have a job by going to work I think.  All entrepreneurs I´ve met work on that day.  Work leads to wealth you know.

CONclusion:  Anti-work leads to poverty!

The countries on this planet where the lowest classes is materially poorest, strangely matches the deegre of Jesuit / Maltese influence over power.  Brasil is one of them, and there is a lot of Afrikan countries on the list as well.  Norway is a wierd mirrorized project, where we are one of the worlds richest countries but facilities like schools, public swimingpools, public transport etc. are in a relatively low condition.  A lot of schools has shown to be rotten to the degree that many young pupils have caught Astmas and such.

Norway also tops the chart of suicides per capita in the world.  The right to be yourself is truly limited here in an more or less unseen way, not referring here to material goods.

Sources says the Elder of the St.Berg dynasty in Norway also is (or was) the Master General of The Maltese Order here and adimts he is a  Bilderberger.  He also adimted on National TV (NRK) he holds Cosmic Clearence.  He is the father of the prime-minister, just like the Bushes…  The NATO(Black-Illuminati) is mainly controlled by Norway and the US.  Jesuits holds money over spirit – anti-christ-consciousness.

The Known Universe by AMNH

The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world’s most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History. The new film, created by the Museum, is part of an exhibition, Visions of the Cosmos: From the Milky Ocean to an Evolving Universe, at the Rubin Museum of Art in Manhattan through May 2010.

For more information visit

Advent Conspiracy Promo Video

This is just right! Go to:

Royal NEWS

Blue spiral in Tromsø, Norway EXPLAINED! – H.A.A.R.P EISCAT /Operation Blue Beam

Public Disclosure Dec 9. 2009

David Wilcock got the 411:


Here´s what happend this morning!

Amazingly, the media has done a really poor job researching this!  The only thing written is about is a “Russian” rocket failure, that also looks very unlikely on the photos, and was even denied by Russian Agencies.  The official story is´nt even secret, as the picture and links above prove.  We can clearly see two opposing forces in society working here.

New video link:

Ouija Demons & Jinn

Subscribe to Bushwack:

The Djinn

Character Knowledge

Knowledge (Djinn) is one of the most useful skills a character can have. The following paragraphs can be given to players when they attain each level of knowledge.

Knowledge Level 1:

Djinn are magical beings. Whereas most mortals were formed by the Creator from earth mixed with other elements, Djinn were formed from smoke and fire. In the distant past, the different tribes of Djinn had a lot of interaction with mortals. Djinn were known to take them as slaves, teachers, students, lovers, worshppers, and food. Those Djinn who still exist are very dangerous and best avoided. It is a very lucky mortal who walks away with only a curse.

Knowledge Level 2:

There are six major tribes of Djinn. Jinn are the most common, and often interact with mortals. Jann often make their homes in oases in the desert. Marid are few in number, but very powerful. They tend to live near the coast. Ifrit are more common, and tend to be violently opposed to mortals. Their allies the Shaitan live in the mountains and underground. The Ghul are the most base and depraved of the Djinn, and prey on both the living and the dead.

Djinn can take the form of animals or people, and often do so when dealing with mortals. They are all capable of creating illusions or altering reality.

Padishah Ishaq bin Asad is the only mortal known to have been able to control Djinn. Many of them still fear his name.

Ankhs (cross-loops) are associated with Djinn. They are often used as good luck tokens.

Knowledge Level 3:

During the rule of Padishah Ishaq bin Asad, the great Jinn sheikh Al Yazid had a vision of a giant scythe splitting a great Djinni in half. In order to survive, Al Yazid told the Djinn tribes that they must all choose to side with mortals, or against them. The elders of both the Jinn and the Jann chose to aid the side of mortals. However, the Shaitan and the Ghul were both corrupted by demonic powers lurking within the Ifrit. All three fight against mortal interests. The elders of the Marid tribe, being both proud and powerful, allowed each individual to make his or her own choice.

Even those Djinn allegedly on the side of mortals often see nothing wrong with harming individuals. Further, all the tribes have renegades. It is best to treat them all with extreme caution.

Some Djinn are vulnerable to certain kinds of metal, especially iron or copper. It is not known if these can be fatal to them.

On very rare occasion, a Djinn might be bound to some object and forced to serve a master.

Knowledge Level 4:

Jinn are the most populous of the Djinn tribes that have sided with mortals. They have also been the most active in interacting with them. They enjoy intellectual debate with mortals, and sometimes take on human form for such purposes. They are the least magical, and some have become nearly human. It is said that many Jinn travel on carpets that fly, and live in places where the wind never stops. Some can change their appearance to a smoke or mist, a huge eagle, or a strong man or woman. They are vulnerable to copper.

Ifrit are among the most powerful of the tribes, and they are extremely violent towards mortals. They make their homes in abandoned or desolate places, and will attack any who disturb them without hesitation. Iblis was a great leader of the Ifrit who was corrupted by a demon. Today they are still the tribe that interacts most with Infernal powers. Ifrit can appear as a dog, a great tornado of dust, a magical camel made of sand, or a giant scorpion or serpent spitting fire. Only the most experienced of mortals has any chance of surviving an encounter with an Ifriti. They are vulnerable to iron.

Knowledge Level 5:

Jann are allies of the Jinn, though they are more conservative and have fewer interactions with mortals than the Jinn. They are more individualistic, but as a whole have aided mortals more than not. They were among the first Djinn with whom mortals came into contact, for many of them live in oases. Caravans could prosper or become lost and die at their whim. They can take the form of a white camel or a whirlwind of sand. Their greatest enemies are the Ghul. They are vulnerable to copper.

Like the Ifrit, Ghul are wholly corrupted by the Infernal powers. Though they are very intelligent, they

are entirely driven by a crazed lust to feed. They stalk the wastes between cities, preying on both living people and dead bodies. Many seek out grave sites to devour the newly fallen. However they are very superstitious, and may be tricked because of this. Ghul often appear as pilgrims in order to join caravans, but will openly attack individuals or small groups. They may also appear as whirlwinds or as vultures. Almost all ghul are female. They are vulnerable to iron.

Knowledge Level 6:

The Marid tribe is the smallest among the Djinn, but it is also the oldest and its members the strongest. They usually live near the coast, and are masters at controlling the weather. Sailors do well not to anger these spirits. Some are partial to mortals, while others react violently to them. However they are not on friendly terms with the Ifrit. Many centuries ago the Marid saved the Jinn from being destroyed by the Ifrit and the Shaitan, and the Ifrit have born a grudge since then. A Marid can take the form of a waterspout traveling across the water, or of a porpoise, horse, or old man. They are vulnerable to both copper and iron.

Shaitan are the second oldest tribe, and allied with the Ifrit and Ghul. They are master deceivers, who delight in manipulating mortals and other Djinn to their own ends. However they are also very proud, and this can be used against them. Many had human worshippers in ages past. Shaitan make their homes in the mountains and deep underground. They can take the form of a cloud of smoke, a jackal, or a black camel. They can also appear as beautiful women, though always with some part of an animal somewhere on their bodies. They often use disease as a weapon. They are vulnerable to iron.

Djinn are fascinated by ankhs. They actively attract their attention.

Knowledge Level 7:

Very little is known about the life cycle of the Djinn. It is presumed that they are born from other Djinn, but there has never been any record of children among them. However they have been known to take mortal lovers in the usual way, with the usual consequences. Such children are mortal, though they are almost always powerful magicians or otherwise magically enhanced. Djinn blood can run in a family for centuries, and sometimes lies latent until it shows itself in a child generations later. Many magical creatures in the desert are the result of Djinns’ couplings with lions, scorpions, and other creatures.

It is not known if Djinn live forever, but they have been known to survive for millennia, at the very least. Killing a Djinn is even more in doubt. While some have vulnerabilities to some kinds of metal, these have not ever been said to strike a killing blow against them. There are only cryptic references to the slaying of a Djinn, and these are always from seemingly harmless actions. These include throwing such things as a verbal curse, or throwing a small stone or plum pit near them.

Knowledge Level 8:

Djinn live in a very different state from mortals. Whereas a mortal may consider things that have not and will never be, for a Djinn to think something means to do it. If something has not happened, they do not know about it. If they consider something, it happens. Where a Djinn goes, reality is bent. Thus, for a Djinn to interact with a mortal can be extraordinarily dangerous. The best tactic to take is to cut the encounter as short as is possible. Do not negotiate. Asking a Djinn to consider a situation is asking for suicide–if you’re lucky. However it may be possible for strong-willed individuals to resist a Djinn’s inherent influence on reality.

Knowledge Level 9:

It is possible for an exceptional individual to bind a Djinn to an object or focus. However, this is both extremely difficult and very dangerous. First, the binder must know the Djinn’s true name, and possess a piece of his or her person. Both these are very difficult to obtain. Magicians who have tried this have often ended in deadly riddle contests with Djinn, wherein the object is to guess the other’s name. Only Padishah Ishaq bin Asad is known to have succeeded. The object to which the Djinn is to be bound must be made of the metal to which the Djinn is vulnerable, in its purest form. The binding itself is accomplished with a very complex magical ceremony. The potential for error is huge, and the cost of making a mistake tragic.

Once the Djinn is bound, it may either be active or dormant. An active Djinn may be forced to perform acts for the master of the object. However there is always some request which the Djinn is prevented from doing. Asking this of it will result in its freedom. In addition, destroying the focus results in the Djinn’s freedom. In both cases, it will probably be very angry at its former master.

A dormant Djinn simply adds to the enchantment of the object in some substantial way. This can be much safer than having an active Djinn, but destruction of the object can still result in disaster.

Knowledge Level 10:

When a Djinn dies, its soul infuses the area of its death. If this can be somehow harvested, it can be used to create magic of great curative properties. It is said that such magic can raise the dead, greatly extend life, and bestow great powers.

Further Knowledge:

Beyond this point, the character learns miscellaneous arcana beyond the scope of this chapter.

see for updates Chapter 11

Saturnalia or Christ-mass?

The celebration of Saturnalia

MADURA Saturnalia became one of the most popular Roman festivals. It was marked by tomfoolery and reversal of social roles, in which slaves and masters ostensibly switched places, with expectedly humourous results.

Saturnalia was introduced around 217 BC to raise citizen morale after a crushing military defeat.[1] Originally celebrated for a day, on December 17, its popularity saw it grow until it became a week long extravaganza, ending on the 23rd. Efforts to shorten the celebration were unsuccessful. Augustus tried to reduce it to three days, and Caligula to five.

Saturnalia involved the conventional sacrifices, a couch (lectisternium) set out in front of the temple of Saturn and the untying of the ropes that bound the statue of Saturn during the rest of the year. ASaturnalicius princeps was elected master of ceremonies for the proceedings. Besides the public rites there were a series of holidays and customs celebrated privately. The celebrations included a school holiday, the making and giving of small presents (saturnalia et sigillaricia) and a special market (sigillaria). Gambling was allowed for all, even slaves; however, although it was officially condoned only during this period, one should not assume that it was rare or much remarked upon during the rest of the year. It was a time to eat, drink, and be merry. The toga was not worn, but rather the synthesis, i.e. colorful, informal “dinner clothes”; and the pileus (freedman’s hat) was worn by everyone. Slaves were exempt from punishment, and treated their masters with (a pretense of) disrespect. The slaves celebrated a banquet: before, with, or served by the masters. Yet the reversal of the social order was mostly superficial; the banquet, for example, would often be prepared by the slaves, and they would prepare their masters’ dinner as well. It was license within careful boundaries; it reversed the social order without subverting it.[2]

The customary greeting for the occasion is a “Io, Saturnalia!” — Io (pronounced “e-o”) being a Latin interjection related to “ho” (as in “Ho, praise to Saturn”).[citation needed]

Saturnalia’s relation to Christmas

There is no evidence scripturally or secularly that early Christians in the first century commemorated the birth of Jesus Christ. In fact, in keeping with early Jewish law and tradition, it is likely that birthdays were not commemorated at all. According to The World Book Encyclopedia: “early Christians considered the celebration of anyone’s birth to be a pagan custom.” (Vol. 3, page 416) Rather than commemorate his birth, the only command Jesus gave concerned a commemoration of his life of any sort actually had to do only with his death (Luke 22:19). It was not until several hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ that the first instances of the celebration of Christmas begin to appear in the historical record. According to the new Encyclopedia Britannica, some who later claimed to be Christian likely “wished the date to coincide with the pagan Roman festival marking the ‘birthday of the unconquered sun.” The festival was celebrated with similar customs (gift giving, feasting) that are done to celebrate Christmas today. Another argument is that Christmas was set on the feast of Sol Invictus, which was also on December 25.

From Wikipedia

Update on Leo Zagami

A LOYAL ZION MAGE?  Much is being said about Leo!  He was the founder of the Committee Of Hope, now called The Club Of Now.  But most of all he is a profiled and knowledgable soldier in the metaphysical war, that often is related to as “Angels & Demons”.  He is also a very caring and interesting friend and a true Brother of humanity.  His and our main object is the protection and preservation of the Spirit in a society which is swallowed by MATERialism and an abstract idea of what money really is.  This is an important cause for a few of us daring to call ourselves HUMANS, and not just men or simply profane.

Off course his message has been heavily miss-understood in general, and even meddlers of the lower frequencies and nature-mages, so popular in this modern time, are afraid of what the light he shines on his listeners will eventually do to the men who holds the power of the distribution of wealth today and their shortcoming future.  The way “THEY” conceals their practices with black magik might very well be aligned to how certain homosexuals is trapped in the closet, and dare not to stand up even for themselves.  Get it?

Well, as we all have seen in the news and such, the world is infact changing for the better, little by little.  But one major issue is the misuse of natural forces through Technology, Propaganda and Mind-control, and it might be smart for the instinctive survivalist to study WHITE Magik to ward off  Parasitic “Demons” of the Sosialist agenda and so forth.  He´s only trying to help you see something, but many are already obsessed with thoughts and ideas preventing them and aiding in avoiding, the Zombies, from receiving real light, boundless love and the BIG picture.

“Let the one without sin cast the first stone!” Many also react negative to how he has played out his divorce in public.  Maybe rightfully, perhaps not.  The BOOK says: “Those who conceals their faults will NOT prosper”.  This means that those concerned with holding up the beautiful facade will be busy just doing that, and will never evolve past the idea of a flawless image / murky inside, to the real flawlessness that the idea of the creator brings forth in the potential of nature and reach their true self and the realisation of destiny, or transcendence through the densities.  Stuck in that modern corner, you will surely dismiss Leo´s Traditionalistic message.  True Beauty comes from within, and are associated with perfection.

Check this interview from Supressed Stories made by a Norwegian in exile:

Leo appears in this rather superficial new norwegian magazine called SMUG #1.  It gives you a short A 2 Z on Leos workings in Norway and more.  But sadly, only a chosen few has the eye to see where he is comming from and what the subject really is about.  Many of his friends don´t even have a clue and are afraid of piercing through to his heart.  I guess they have more then enough trouble of satisfying themselves in this god-forsaken time we find ourselves in now.  The article is only in written norwegian tho.

Here is also an in depth interview with Leo on Nightwatch earlier this year 2009.

Also the book “THE WORK”  by Zagami & Fullford is published in Japaneese now.

Norway IS the last stand for ateism, serfdom and hard power, and a spiritual war is sweeping over this icy rock we call home.  Are you ready to take part?  For you must choose a side, or rather a future.  Certain Norwegians have a very broad and bad influence on the world events, and especially wars, and the majority of the worlds inhabitants would appreciate if us Norwegians would clean the monkeys (APes/socialists) out our own garden I´m CONvinced!

Stop being Fake!  What you don´t know IS also TRUE…