Drunvalo Melchizedek | Birth of a New Humanity

A wonderful story!

David Wilcock | The Source Field Investigations

A superb presentation by David Wilcock that really adds things up.  Enjoy!


New Project Avalon: Inelia Benz

As Bill puts it:  Maybe the most important video he made yet.

In this fascinating personal interview, Inelia Benz talks to Project Avalon’s Bill Ryan about her life and her mission to this planet.

It’s an extraordinary story, and many people who have seen this video have been very moved and inspired. The subjects Inelia discusses go to the very heart of who we are, and the situation we are in. Of all the interviews Bill Ryan has done in Project Camelot and Project Avalon, he considers this may be the most important to date.

A comment I’d like to make: for some, watching this entire video from beginning to end may be a transformational event. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling emotional, moved, inspired, elevated, or having new realizations about yourself, about reality, or about any aspect of what’s going on in the world. This is the territory we’re journeying in.

If I´m real to you I am real, if not I´m not!

Download this video here:

Download the audio:

And see Inelias blog aswell:  http://ascension101.com/ascension-tools.html

Stewart Swerdlow – Hyperspace 101

In this lecture, medical intuitive and a clairvoyant, Stewart Swerdlow gives elementary knowledge that provides ground for understanding the language of hyperspace which is the original language of the God-Mind consisting of Colors, Tones, and Archetypes (symbols). Ever wanted to know how telepathy really works? The Language of Hyperspace is the interspecies and interuniversal language used by all beings. In this video, Stewart talks about flowchart of creation, human chakra system, basic color codes, some protection techniques, basic archetypes and how to use them, Oversoul basics, and many other extraordinary topics.

See the rest 24 episodes on youtube.



I don´t have words to describe this, but I feel CON-followers should see this so hold tight!


Ashayana Deane

I went to Florida to interview A’shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses. This information is highly complex and detailed. She and two other “speakers” as they call themselves are receiving this information via telepathic downloads. They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances, a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.

This interview is the first part of several hours I spent with Ashayana Deane and the others working with her on briinging the science of Keylonta to the planet. Keylonta is the science of “light, sound, subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter”. The many images on the video of charts and “maps” depict these concepts in a visual manner aimed at stimulating memory and re-awkening the DNA pathways in the viewer. The .pdf files for download are available for purchase at Azurite Press to assist those who are interested in following along more closely while watching the video.

Because of the complex but vital information presented here I encourage anyone who is interested to do further research and to visit the website for more information. Classes and DVDs are available there as well: Azuritepress.com

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
May 2010

David Lynch: Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain


Invincible Defense Technology

Norwegian troops practising Invincible Defense Technology in the late 1970’s. from Mannskaps Avisa.

A New Defense Model

Is there a better way? Perhaps. A new defense model is emerging — one based on prevention rather than fear. Using group meditation, the technique, known as invincible defense technology, can actually prevent an enemy from arising by reducing collective stress in society. Psychologist Dr. David Orme-Johnson, is the Director of Research at the Institute of Science, Technology, and Public Policy (ISTPP) at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. Orme-Johnson explains that collective stress is the sum total of individual stress. The individual is the basic unit of society, he says. When stress, tension, and fear build up in the individual, the rest of society is degraded as well.

ISTPP scientists, including Orme-Johnson, assert that society’s collective stress is the root cause of conflict and terrorism. If collective stress is high, fear and anger thrive in the population. Ethnic hatreds flare, old wounds open, and distrust festers. Territorial, political, cultural, and religious differences become more difficult to resolve creating seemingly endless chains of conflict.

Conflict Fuels More Conflict

Orme-Johnson points out that nothing our government does now addresses the cause. On the contrary, he says, forceful response to conflict increases the problem. “Fear in the world spurs arms build up and the development of arms technology, which only causes more fear,” he says. “Disarmament is not realistic because no one can rationally disarm when facing an armed aggressor.”

Prevention Wings of the Military

To counteract this fear and promote peace, scientists at ISTPP are encouraging every country to spend about one percent of the military budget to implement an invincible defense technology program that they are calling Prevention Wings of the Military. Soldiers would be given one additional duty: to practice the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program daily in large groups. The theory is that this would result in more peaceful world.

Read More:  http://www.davidleffler.com/explanation.html

Related links:





Prayer vs. cancer

Bye bye! hospitals, chemo, big pharma…

Rosicrucian Science of Inititation

Thanks to OccultSecrets for the link.  Good lookin´.

Thai Poosam 2010: Day of Light – Friday 29. January

This message is about something great, yet sublime, occuring 3 days from now,  Friday 29. January 2010.  Watch and prepare!

Guided Meditation (11. mins.) by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Solfeggio Frequencies: Sonic healing