Anthony Sampson

Anthony Sampson

En omtale av bøkene “Seven Sisters” om oljeselskapene, “Arms Bazar” om våpenindustrien og “The Moneylenders” om finans og bankindustrien.

Alle bøkene er skrevet av engelskmannen Anthony Sampson, som har lang erfaring som journalist. Han var også sekretær for den FN-nedsatte Brandt-Nor/Sør-kommisjonen på 1970-tallet, så han har hatt nær kontakt med ledere av flernasjonale industrier.  Han bodde 25 år i Sør-Afrika og kom tilbake til London på slutten av 1950-tallet.  Forfatteren han en fengende fortellerstil og formulerer seg godt.  Spennende lesing, humoristisk, sitater, anekdoter -og deprimerende avsnitt.  Flere navn på sentrale aktører i de respektive industriene går igjen i alle tre bøkene.

Sampson beskriver de multinasjonale selskapene / kapitalismen på deres premisser uten å være misjonerende, men måten han forteller historien på viser at han er sterkt kritisk til den herskende moral, på tvers av alle demokratiske idealer.  Han viser hvordan disse menneskene/som resten av verden, er fanget i en økonomi som er korrupt.  Det er mange henvisninger til supplerende litteratur, biografier osv.  Bøkene er både spennende og interressante for den som søker svar på hvordan verden fram til våre dager er blitt skrudd sammen.


De store oljeselkapene og deres virksomhet.

“Fortjenesten på olje ser ut til å følge en usynlig rørledning rett i private lommer.”
– Lloyd George 1920

“Feilen med USA er at man ikke kan vinne et valg uten oljeblokken, og man kan ikke styre med den.”
– FD Roosewelt 1939

I SevenSisters presenterer forfatteren oss for en både dramatisk og forunderlig historie; Historien om oljekapitalens verdensomspennende makt og innflytelse på det politiske og menneskelige plan. Hvordan har det seg at verdens største og viktigste industri er dominert av syv selskap? Hvordan kan vestlig regjeringer overlate en rekke diplomatiske funksjoner til disse selskapene? Han viser også hvordan USA spiller på to hester i f.eks. midtøsten. Alle svarene kommer ikke alltid like tydelig frem, men kjenner man noe til hvordan kapitalismen og innviede herreklubber fungerer på topplan, er dette ingen stor gåte. Byråsjefer, departementsråd og andre embedsmenn i statlige byråkratier, mange med samme ring, og som i brevs form gjerne tiltaler hverandre som “broder”, er den grå eminense i de fleste av selskapenes hjemland.

Det er mange gode karakteristikker av oljemagnater opp gjennom historien, intervjuer med alt fra Sjahen av Iran til Rothchilder, Rockefellere og saudi-arabisk kongelige. Sampson stiller også spørsmålstegn ved produsentlandenes tilsynelatende kontroll over egen oljeutvinning, etter oljekrisen på 1970 tallet. Forfatteren er aldri lettvint eller overfladisk, men underbygger alt han presenterer.


Rustningsindustrien, salg og bestikkelser i internasjonal våpenhandel.

“Våpen betyr pengesystemets logikk i den ytterste konsekvens.”
– Steven Spender

Våpenbazaren er en bok om våpenhandel slik den har utviklet seg fra Alfred Nobel og Fredrik Krupp` dager (ca1850) og fram til det enorme oppsvinget som startet for ca 30 år siden i midtøsten. Den handler om Dassault, Vickers, Northrop, Lockheed-Martin og statlige regjeringer/utenriksdep, -agenter, prinser, statsministere, skandaler og virksomhet man aldri hører om i norske media. Avsløringene i USA om Northrop og Lockheeds virksomhet verden rundt representerer et sjeldent kildemateriale og har avdekket et nett av korrupsjon og bestikkelser verden over, likedan med engelske og franske våpenselskap. Hensynsløse salgskampanjer og naiv sløsing med kjempesummer.

Boka viser hvordan våpenselskapene i sine fremstøt internasjonalt er blitt stadig tettere knyttet til offentlige personer i sine hjemland. [For Norges del: Kongsberg, Raufoss versus LO / Kongehuset(norsk export) og avgående (angreps)forsvarstopper som ansettes i bilfirmaet Rhøne-Selmer ! Lockheeds kontakt.]

Sampson retter også søkelyset mot våpenoppbyggingen i den 3. verden hvor våpenoppkjøp oftere blir bestemt av produsentlandenes eksportinteresser enn av kjøpernes forsvarsbehov. Ved hjelp av et bredt spekter av tilgjengelige dokumenter og kilder, tegner Sampson et finkornet og nyansert bilde av hvordan internasjonal våpenhandel har utviklet seg, og hvorledes selskaper/selgere er blitt fanget i systemer av en nådeløs konkurranse. Også hvordan regjeringene i hjemlandene ofte stimulerer selskapene til økt produksjon og eksport for å bedre økonomien/handelsbalansen. Han tar også for seg “problemene” med kontroll av våpensalg og antyder hvordan konkurransen på våpenmarkedet og ukontrolert oppbygging kan begrenses, men ikke avskaffes. Gjennom samtaler med en rekke av våpenindustriens ledere gir han en levende skildring av dette spesielle miljøet og de motiveringer som har drevet disse mennene dit de er.


Bankers in a dangerous World.

“Ingen formaning kan redde et samfunn som har bestemt seg for å bli rik i en fart.”
– Lord Overstone 1870

“Den prosessen bankene følger når de skaper “nye” penger er så enkel at ingen vil tro det.”
– JK Galbright

Tredje bok handler om det internasjonale bankvesenet/kapitalismen. Boken gir en historisk oversikt over utviklingen fra 1400 tallet og framover med særlig vekt på rollen i internasjonal politikk. Banker flytter milliarder over grensene og har makt til å slå hele nasjoner konkurs (f.eks Island). Finans- og bank-kriser har kommet med jevne og tettere intervaller helt siden bankvesenet ble satt i system i Europa. Boka gir mange fakta om internasjonal banking inkludert WB og IMF.

Forfatterns interesse for den rolle internasjonale bankdirektører spiller, fikk han ved hjemkomsten fra Sør-Afrika til London, der han opplevde kontrasten mellom den usikre verden i de svarte bysamfunn i Afrika og de sikre vurderingene gjort tusen mil borte. Sampson har for det meste konsentrert seg om det politiske elementet, og brukt de tradisjonelle metodene journalister bruker:
-snakke med stort antall bankfolk og politikere,
-beskriver/intervjuer skarpt og nyansert ledende personer innen banking (f.eks Rockefeller og McNamara)

Finansfyrster har ikke vært favorittemne hos journalister, forfattere og dramatikere. Skives det om bankfolk tendenderes det til å beskrive dem som onskapsfulle figurer som feks. Shylock hos Shakespeare. Trollope, Zola og Dreiser har skrevet mer om de uvørne som fort blir rike og går konkurs, enn om den stabile og lukkede livsførsel til finansmagnatene som låner ut andre folks penger, industriellt. Styremedlemmer og bankdirektører beskriver sin verden i metaforer og abstrakte formuleringer, som om renter og inflasjon og konsekvensene av det, er narturgitte fenomen. Dette er en holdning som massemedia og utdanningsinstitusjoner idag er med på å opprettholde.

Bøkene er oversatt til norsk og utgitt på Tiden forlag rundt 1980, men er høyaktuelle fortsatt idag. Så mye har ikke verden forandret seg. De samme mekanismene som dengang, griper fortsatt inn i hverandre. Deichmann har også bøkene.

Stopp HAARP!


Regn regn regn! Stort sett hver dag er været over Østlands-området HAARPet.  Derfor er det regn og kaldt i August, skyer som ikke beveger seg på flere dager,  17 grader og snøfritt i Februar, giftig luft hele tiden, og stort sett meget skiftende og Schizophrent vær-mønster.  Dårlig vær i helgene for å gjøre folk deprimert bl.a. om våren.  Det går også et værskille over Sinsen-krysset.  Vi mistenker Globusen i Østmarka og Tryvann som generatorene, og en linje mellom disse passerer ca. midt i Sinsenkrysset.  Noen venner på vei til Svinesund i sommer fortalte at den hel-dekkende tåkeskyen over Østlandet stoppet midt på broen til Sverige, merkelig nok.  Der får vi nok ikke kødde med været, kun innenfor riksgrensen kan psykopatene gjøre som de vil!

Jeg har selv ligget på taket i solen og sett hvordan skyene begynner som små marmorerte tråder på himmelen, ligge pent og pyntelig ved siden av hverandre og vokse til de plutselig er store nok.  Deretter beveger de seg ikke i det hele tatt på mange timer.  Det er som om et teppe blir vevd over himmelen, og et skylag dekker Oslo sentrum resten av dagen.  Skylaget befinner seg også i et sjikte av atmosfæren som er svært unaturlig og utrolig nok nytt sted for skyer å oppholde seg i.  Dette ble det skrevet litt om i avisene i sommer også, men helt uten bunn og forklaring selvfølgelig.

HAARP/EISCAT er noe alvorlig dritt, og overgår CO2 problemet 10 høye ganger minst, og MÅ STOPPES snarest!  CON oppfordrer til sabotasje av HAARP anleggene siden de utelukkende brukes til population control og andre militære/degenererende formål.

Orgonitter er våpnet man bruker!  Man graver dem ned ved mobil-antenner og HAARP-master  og andre steder med ekstremt dårlige energier, som fengsler og sykehus.  CON tror ikke på å spre frykt, derfor følger vi opp med positive måter å løse problemene vi står over på.

Her har du en HAARP-kyndig sin advarsel, Dr. Nick Begich:

“Angels still don´t play this HAARP”

13. Desember (merk dagen!) 2006, var det utrolig Nordlys over Oslo.  Aurora Borealis fenomenet den kvelden var ekstremt.  Det var som bølger av grønt lys bare rullet og rullet over himlen i mange timer.  En dag, mye senere, gikk det opp for meg at det var HAARP og ikke ett naturlig skue.  Men utrolig var det lell!  Barne-TV har en annen forklaring, men det er nok en kombinasjon av begge fenomenene tror jeg.

EVENT: ÅPENT FOLKEMØTE ! med Per Aslak Ertresvåg i Gvannes, Sauherad.



Foredrag/møte med Per Aslak Ertresvåg , forfatterenav bøkene

”Makten bak makten” og ”Sov mitt lille Norge”

Hvem eier virkeligheten??
Vi blir lurt. Det finnes en skjult agenda i Norge og i verden.
(se )

· Ny verdensorden (New world order)
· Bilderbergerne
· Mind controll (styring av våre tanker, følelser, handlinger)
· Bevissthet
· Samtale i plenum/deling av tanker, tro, følelser
· Visjonen – håp, vilje, glede, framtid

Tid: Torsdag 3. september kl. 19:00

Sted: Klevar skolen (gamleskolen)

Gvannes, Sauherad

Arrangør: Audhild Østgård
Telefon: 35957594 / 48141341
Non profite/gratis VELKOMMEN

October 28, 2011 – Not 2012! (by Carl Johan Calleman)

The Tortuguero Monument 6 and the Mayan end date.


When I started my independent research on the Mayan calendar late in 1993 not a single inscription from the ancient Maya was actually known which would describe what would happen at its so-called end date. All that was known were the various descriptions of the beginning date of the Long Count, notably in the inscriptions in Palenque, which said that the First Father then “erected the World Tree”. Irrespective of this dearth of information, I started to develop my theory about the nine levels of evolution, the nine underworlds, and the various days and nights that generated their wave movements. I simply assumed that the significant Mayan pyramids had been built in nine steps because they were symbolic of nine levels of creation, each effected by seven days, or seven creation gods. I then found that with such a model an enormous amount of historical facts started to make sense if they were seen as results of cosmic energy shifts. This however could be seen to be true only if the nine levels all ended at the same time, similarly to how some of the Mayan pyramids had a straight back. It thus seemed obvious that the understanding of such energy shifts must have been the basis of the prophetic tradition of the Maya. This was of course not how traditional Mayanism saw it, which essentially treated the calendar and the various deities associated with it as superstitions. Yet, I came from a different scientific tradition, and was primarily interested in if the Mayan time cycles and deities were true reflections of reality. In the beginning of my scientific carreer in the seventies I had thus been mentored by a member of the Nobel committes in Stockholm and had then at least indirectly seen how science operates from what arguably is its highest level. This meant among other things zero tolerance for making up theories from “beliefs” without empirical facts to back them up and constant emphasis on experimental reality checks. At least professionally this has remained my mind set ever since and the fact that some people believe that Jesus was born on December 25 or that the Mayan calendar ends on December 21 does not constitute proof for me that this is actually the case.

The idea that there were as many as nine Underworlds was for a long time criticized by some who said that there was only one cycle of a longer duration in the Mayan calendar system, namely the 5,125 year Long Count. Yet, already then there were some indications that the Maya had recognized nine steps of evolution. It was for instance known that the Long Count was sometimes referred to as ruled by the Six-Sky-Lord, indicating that it was the sixth level, and that there were names for time periods beginning with that of the first of the nine levels, the hablatun. Based on these indications of nine levels I proposed my theory since it could be empirically substantiated from human history even though some thought that it was not orthodox enough. Somewhat later, in 1996, Mayanists however started to decipher Monument 6 in Tortuguero, only some 50 kilometers west of Palenque, which would further strengthen my model of nine levels of evolution. For the first time an inscription was found that seemed to refer to what would happen at the end date at least from the perspective of a Mayan king around AD 670.


The text segment describing the descent of
the Bolon Yookte from the Tortuguero monument 6.
Drawing by Sven Gronemeyer.

More broadly this inscription only gained attention in 2006 and its final text according to David Stuart, who is an expert on Mayan glyphs, reads essentially like this: Tzuhtz-(a)j-oom u(y)-uxlajuun pik (ta) Chan Ajaw ux(-te’) Uniiw. Uht-oom ? Y-em(al)?? Bolon Yookte’ K’uh ta?

or translated to English: “The Thirteenth ‘Bak’tun” will be finished (on) Four Ajaw, the Third of Uniiw (K’ank’in). ? will occur. (It will be) the descent(??) of the Nine Support? God(s) to the ?. ”

As is common with such ancient inscriptions they may be difficult to read partly because the glyphs are effaced (which is the case here) and partly because the meanings of the glyphs are not unambiguous. The critical part from our perspective is the deities (or deity) called Bolon Yookte, who at the end date would “descend.” To understand how to interpret this I think it is important to know two things about ancient Mayan deities. The first is that they were not as personalized as for instance Roman or Nordic deities, who were perceived to act more or less as individuals. A Mayan (or Aztec) deity instead typically symbolized a cosmic force associated with a time period and the mythologies of these peoples really describe fairly high level impersonal cosmic relationships. Hence, we know how the ancient day-signs were carried by daybearers, deities that were associated with particular days. Time periods, gods and day-signs were thus more or less interchangeable and it depended on the context how they would be expressed. The second thing to know is that these deities could easily split into several different deities and vice versa depending on whether the context called for the whole or its parts to be expressed. This is almost certainly the case with Bolon Yookte, which can be seen as a whole deity with nine parts or as nine parts constituting a whole. Bolon Yookte is at the same time a whole and its nine parts because Mayan cosmology is essentially holistic and looks upon everything in creation as connected.

John Major Jenkins in 2006 wrote an important and interesting article about the Bolon Yookte: Comments on the 2012 text on Tortuguero Monument 6 and Bolon Yookte Ku,, where he summarizes epigraphic information about this deity called Bolon Yookte, which according to the abovementioned inscription will descend at the Mayan end date. Among other things he cites an article by Gillespie and Joyce that states that Bolon Yookte was called “the God of the Nine Steps” and also that this was a deity that was present already at the beginning of creation as can be seen from the famous Vase of the Seven Lords. He also cites Eberl and Prager, who said that the Bolon Yookte was associated with the underworld, wars and conflict. Really what this is telling us is that the structure of Nine Steps of evolution, Nine Underworlds, has existed from the very beginning of creation, what we in modern terminology would call the Big Bang. The Tortuguero Monument 6, and Jenkins study of their meaning, thus provides a perfect verification of the theory I proposed fifteen years ago. The Bolon Yookte are the Nine levels of evolution carried out by the nine underworlds. These nine Underworlds are then obviously also associated with the Seven Lords of Creation (the seven DAYS) as can be seen from the famous Mayan vase. Moreover, as we know from history, all of these Underworlds are associated with conflicts and wars, since shifts in cosmic energies generate shifting balances of power and as a result, warfare. To me, the relationships between these Mayan deities provide a model of evolution that has been verified by massive empirical evidence. Because of this connection to reality this is crucial information for humanity at the present time and not mere mythical relationships.

What this inscription means is that on the end date there is not just one cosmic power that will manifest, but Nine and that these were symbolized by a Nine-Step pyramid that was Bolon Yookte – The God of Nine Steps. It is also clear from Jenkins’ article that Bolon Yookte was associated with the World Tree, which especially my forthcoming book The Purposeful Universe will demonstrate as the source of all creation – not as a myth, but as a reality. In light of the Tortuguero monument I feel the model of Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens can only be denied by someone, who completely ignores not only the actual Mayan inscriptions, but also the massive empirical evidence of how the Mayan calendar system is connected to reality. If instead this body of evidence is recognized it is however easy to see how in their mythology the Maya would interchange deities, time periods and cosmic energies in a way that can now help us make sense of evolution and how it has played out in biological and historical reality.

The Bolon Yookte, the Nine-step God with its Nine Underworlds, as this is symbolized by the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal. The Nine Underworlds will all be completed, “the Bolon Yookte will descend”, at the same time and to symbolize this synchronistic event the pyramid has a straight back. Photograph by the author.

The verification from the Tortuguero monument that the ancient Maya looked upon the end of creation as the simultaneous descent of Nine different deities, or manifestation of nine cosmic forces, is however very timely as we are now on the eighth level of evolution and soon about to climb up one step to the ninth level, the Universal Underworld. It is not an exaggeration to say that for many people now their future will directly depend on knowing exactly how the energies of these nine levels will be playing out. Today it is thus crucial to know about this basic structure of evolution, Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens, and the exact timing of activation of the different wave movements of creation. That nine deities will descend (nine cosmic forces manifest) simultaneously at the end date is thus no longer an unorthodox idea, but instead the only meaningful explanation that can be given to Tortuguero monument 6. What this means is also that the Bolon Yookte mentioned at the Tortuguero monument is not about a single event occurring only at a specific date. It is instead about nine different wave movements, each generated by the Seven Lords of Creation (the seven days in each Underworld) going back to the beginning of the universe (the Big Bang) when, as Jenkins also points out, Bolon Yookte was already present. Thus, any viable theory about the meaning of the Mayan calendar needs to be able to account for such long term evolutionary processes, spanning up to 16.4 billion years. As a consequence, serious researchers need to take their focus off from what might happen on a single day, the end date, since this can only be understood in a much larger context. From this perspective it is thus a problem that especially many American “experts on 2012”, along the lines of the upcoming Hollywood movie 2012, have committed themselves to some physical event that they associate with the singular December 21, 2012 date, such as a pole shift, a galactic alignment, a volcanic eruption, an asteroid impact, a solar flare or some other (usually not very well-founded) idea of what may happen on this particular day. Given the total unreasonableness of such ideas, especially in light of the Tortuguero monument, is it not time that they instead start considering an evolutionary model for the Mayan calendar that is consistent with this monument? “2012” has for too long been a playground for pseudo-science and the many unfounded “singular day” ideas blur the fact that the end scenario of the Mayan calendar is really about a socio-economic transformation resulting from processes influencing human consciousness. It is thus about the human beings themselves and how we co-create the birth of a new world and not about any geological or astronomical event that we only would be observers of anyway.

There is of course a reason that, as I pointed out before, no one advocating the October 28, 2011 end date has ever advocated or been lured into advocating that this date would be “the end of the world.” This is that this date emanates organically from an evolutionary process and is not associated with any real or purported physical or astronomical event. It is simply the day when the universe after nine major quantum steps, starting with the beginning of the universe, attains its highest energy state and there is no logical reason that this would mean the end of the world. It is just an evolutionary completion point when Bolon Yookte fully descends. When it comes to the many events that have been purported to be associated with the singular December 21, 2012 date on the other hand it is not surprising that they invite speculations about the end of the world. If you for instance propose that this end date is about a pole shift or a giant burst of gamma rays from the galactic center, why should people not believe that this could be the end of the world? To propose physical events is like asking for the mainstream media to create fear and hopelessness around the real transformation that is about to occur.

I thus believe it will be people at large that will suffer most from the neglect of the understanding we may gain from the ancient Maya, which as we have seen speaks about the fulfilment of a composite of nine evolutionary forces, the Bolon Yookte Ku, and not what happens on a single day. Because of all the confusing information focusing on December 21, 2012 that is already out there I feel however that people will start to align with the true end date of October 28, 2011, not because they realize that the energetic end date logically must be 13 Ajaw or that the 4 Ajaw end date was the result of politics much like the placing of the birth of Jesus at December 25 by the Christian Church. People are instead likely to come to accept the October 28, 2011 date in practice simply because they will not be able to deny the actual wave movement of energies that they themselves are experiencing, especially in the socio-economic realm. Yet, for those seeking to consciously co-create the birth of a new world a knowledge of how the cosmic energies lead up to the October 28, 2011 date will be instrumental, simply because without it no understanding of how the new world will be born, and how this is timed, will be possible. Hence, the activation of these energies, and their preparatory phases in the Galactic and Universal Underworlds will, as always, take place according to a very precise relative timing until the Bolon Yookte, the nine underworlds, will “descend”, manifest fully, and create the foundation for a millennium of peace – the end of the Shift of the Ages.

Seattle, August 19, 2009 (6 Ajaw)
Carl Johan Calleman

Original post here:

More on his homepage:

Barcelona Exopolitics Summit Speakers Panel by Project Camelot, 23 July 2009

District 9 – Sophisticated New World Order Propaganda

Les “District 9 – A Science Fiction Film With Sophisticated New World Order Propaganda” fra Rogue Government. Her er ihvertfall en som gleder seg til denne filmen.

Se traileren for filmen her.

Dr. Rath on German medical industry, politics and Nazi history

(For our German and Polish readers.)

Parts 1-4:

Feel free to make Norwegian or English subtitles to this!

Picture 3

BOK: Det Norske Pentagram – vikinghistorie (klassiker)


Denne boka er vel verdt å lese!

Den tar  for seg overgangen til en ny tid, og mega-ritualet som ble utført får å fange nettopp våre liv i den illusjonen vi er.  Som mange sikkert vet, er symbolet med pentagrammet i sirkelen en metode får å invitere en ånd inn i et bestemt området, nemlig sirkelen.  4 av spissene symboliserer elementene, det 5. eter / ånd – også symbolisert med Dragen og dens 5. atributter, skjell, klør, vinger, ild, og summen av det hele, som gir noe større enn det summen av “delene” tilsier.  Moderne kalt Gud.

Fra bokomslaget:
Denne bokens funn har begeistret kjente utenlandske forfattere som , Colin Wilson, Erling Haagensen og Henry Lincoln som har sitert flere sider fra Det norske Pentagram i sine egne bøker. I Det norske Pentagram avslører Harald S. Boehlke en uanet og okkult side ved vikingtiden, de norske “kristningskongene” og den tidlige middelalder i Norge. Boken vil overraske både historikere og troende kristne, og føre til at sider ved vår tidlige historie nå må revurderes. Boken sannsynliggjør at det var “kjettere”, prester fra Den keltiske kirke, Den romersk-katolske krikens irske konkurrent, som sto for kristningen av Norge. Og at disse keltiske kristne brukte magi i form av “hellig geometri”, for å nå sine mål: En magi brukt i en skala og på en måte som langt overskrider vår fantasi. For å utforme denne hellige geometriekn, ble våre viktigste byer og første klostre opprettet og plassert som markører slik at man ved hjelp av den gamle hellige formelen Det gyldne snitt endte opp med et gigantisk pentagram som sluttresultat. Bruken av et slikt pentagram, for å nedkalle en bestemt kraft i sirkelen rundt pentagrammet, er en ikke ukjent form for magi, som på den tiden ble benyttet også av kristne. Opprettelsen av våre tidligste byer, som vi kan lese om i de gamle sagaer, var således et resultat, ikke bare av våre tidlige vikingkongers behov for maktbaser, men like mye et resultat av behovet for å legge guds merke over landet. Ett av de elementene som kanskje vil virke støtende på mange troende er de keltiske kristnes bruk av slangen, og “Dyrets tall” 666, som symboler i sin hellige geometri, lagt ut over Sør-Norge.

Utgitt: 2005
Forlag: H.S. Boehlke
Språk: Bokmål
Sider: 224
ISBN: 9788299712101

CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: EU kills illegal Sausage!


P8240178This Spanish sausage – the Chistorra – which is very delicious, will be illegal from next year because of the new EU laws on food known as the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.

I have never really tought about the consequences of this new series of  laws, but products like this will actualy not be sold any more, due to bacteria and disease risk.  Andréj here also confirms that the polish specialty made of conserved cucumbers in vineager already is made illegal in EU, but might be obtained from the back if you know what to ask for.  The original recipe is substituted with an new artificial type, and the new product is largely available in shops.

What this actualy means, and what is often said about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, is that it will actualy forbid natural or “normal” food and promote GMO food and artificials, wich really gives you tumors and all kind of health problems.  This is sick.  It´s infact so sick that I do not think this law will be able to be practiced or put into order!  But we might have to react – just a little bit.  (Some even say Leiv Vidar is behind the whole conspiracy!)

Health tip: Build up your imune-system by getting your natural vitamins, enzymes and minerals (amongst the treats and addictions) and you´ll handle some dirt in your food.  But Artificial stuff are something else, so stay away from that as much as you can!


Stan Romanek – The world’s most documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story

North American Terror Organization – fra tungtvann til Orderud

CON har mottatt en “halvferdig sak” fra en anonym journalist om: NATOs rolle innen narkotika og våpenhandel, bakmenn i Norge og USA, transport, UD-innblanding og Orderud-saken.

Her er det mye å ta av om du vil gjøre litt research selv! Men vær oppmerksom: – Mange som har berørt Orderud-saken har endt opp med hjerneblødning. Har du sett “The Wire” sesong 2 vet du allerede en god del.

Besøk websiden til produsentene bak intervjuet med Kay Griggs.

Dette dokumentet er basert på et videointervju med Kay Griggs fra 1998, samt videre research ut ifra informasjonen som kommer frem i intervjuet. Kay Griggs var ansatt ved kabinettet i det hvite hus i Washington, hvor hennes jobb var å ta imot en rekke inflytelsesrike personer. Hun var gift med George Griggs, som var chief of staff i US Marines og skal ha jobbet med “psychological profiling” og trening av “assassins” for NATO.

I intervjuet forteller Kay om NATOs lyssky aktiviteter, og hevder at de styrer en global våpen- og narkotikahandel gjennom samarbeid med mafia og marine. Hun hevder også at NATO trener opp folk til å ta livet av alle som står i veien for dette, og nevner en rekke tilfeller hvor dette har skjedd. Hun er langt i fra sparsom med navn og referanser. Hun forteller også om flere besøk i Norge, og norske personer hun og andre har hatt kontakt med. Etter å ha samlet informasjonen som er relatert til Norge, dobeltsjekket dette og gjort noe videre research, begynner det å danne seg et bilde som kan ha relevans i forhold til Orderud-drapene. Intervjuet er gjort året før, altså samme år som de to attentatforsøkene mot Anne Orderud Paust.

Kay og George Griggs hadde et møte i den norske ambassaden i Washington med den norske ambassadøren Kjeld Vibe, Intelligence operative Bill Nelson og hans kone Kate, i august 1995. De skal ha planlagt et besøk til Norge, i hvilken anledning nevnes ikke. Per Paust jobbet også ved ambassaden (helt siden 1988), og man kan vel si at det er sannsynlig at han hadde god kjennskap til sakene som ble diskutert.

Det norske kongeparet besøkte Northfolk Virginia, og Virgina Beach, i oktober 1995 i forbindelse med norsk deltakelse i NATO.

Dette var samme måned som Nobelkomitéens formann, professor Francis Sejersted kunngjorde “den overraskende avgjørelsen” om at Nobels fredspris skulle gå til Joseph Rotblat og Pugwash-bevegelsen, “for deres arbeide for å redusere kjernevåpnenes plass i internasjonal politikk og på lengre sikt å avskaffe slike våpen” (se Aftenposten). Sejersted gjorde også et(nytt framstøt mot NATO i 1999 se Dagbladet.

I følge Kongehuset var kongeparet i USA 30 – 31 Oktober 1995 hos HE President William J. Clinton and Hilary Clinton. Men i følge den norske ambassaden i Washingtons nyhetsarkiv varte oppholdet i tre uker. Jeg vil komme tilbake med flere detaljer om besøket senere.

— Kay Griggs forteller at Knut Eigum er en kompis av hennes mann George Griggs. Hun forteller at de gjorde de våpenhandel under bordet i Moss i 1995, i samarbeid med flere ansatte i det norske utenriksdepartementet. Eigum skal ha opptrådt som kontaktperson for narko-kongene i Norge. I forbindelse med møtet i Moss, nevner Key Griggs også “the majors husband”, jeg har ennå ikke stadfestet hvem dette er.

Knut Eigum er Fengselsdirektør på Ullersmo, har eiendom på Kolsås v. NATO-basen, og i Narvik v. et annet NATO-anlegg. Han har også skrevet et dokument som ligger i statsarkivenes militære arkiver, se “Eigum, Knut: Norske sanitetsavdelinger i internasjonal tjeneste, 1:2001

Om det stemmer at representanter fra UD er involvert i intenasjonal narko-handel, og Knut Eigum er deres kontaktperson for videre omsetning, er dette virkelig en genistrek. Denne forbindelsen innebærer flere ekstremt gunstige forutsetninger for dem:

– I kraft av Eigums stilling som direktør for det fengselet som huser i Norges tyngste kriminelle, har de direkte kontakt med de største narko-handlerne i Norge på en naturlig måte som ikke vekker oppsikt.

– Samtidig kan de, igjen i kraft av Eigums stilling, kontrolere sine konkurrenter og bestemme hvem som skal få drive salg av narkotika, i hvert fall i øverste sjiktet, i Norge.

– De kan bruke kriminelle til å utføre andre oppdrag i denne forbindelse. Blant annet var det en sak på den 31. Mars 2009, som ble fjernet i løpet av et døgn, hvor det stod om en PFU-sak. Fangene Trond Erik Henriksen og Morten Flaskerud stod oppført som klager, men på flere punkter virket det som om det i realiteten var Eigum som hadde klaget inn saken. Saken dreide seg om at de to fangene hadde rømt fra den rømningssikre bunkersen og spredt amfetamin med rottegift, som hadde gitt tre personer lifstruende forgiftning. Om det er hold i Kay Griggs’ påstand, og at bunkersen var rømningssikker, og mine videre slutninger, mistenker jeg at saken ble fjernet fordi informasjonen var lite gunstig for Knut Eigum. Kan det har vært et bestillingsoppdrag? Se PFU-sak 91-136.

– Det er sannsynlig at det er flere sammensvorne i fengselsvesenet og politiet. Spesielt interessant synes jeg det er med politiets vellykkede initiativ mot organisert kriminalitet i det pakistanske miljøet, hvor de har to biler som har fulgt disse personene overalt i to og et halvt år.

— Key Griggs sier at “all” narkotrafikk går via Keflavik. Reykjavik er også et sentrum for nordisk samarbeid innen politikk, hvor mange i utenrikspolitisk tjeneste møtes.

— T. Parker Host var sjefen til George Griggs i US Marine, i følge Kay Griggs.

“T. Parker Host of Maryland inc.” gjorde en deal i 2005 med Harry Hussein fra Baltimore Group/HUAL(Höegh Autoliners), som har hovedkontor i Oslo. Ut i fra bildene nedenfor kan man identifisere Harry Hussain på bildene som Kay Griggs viser fram i intervjuet fra besøkene i Norge. Det betyr at Harry Hussain var en av de som George og Kay Griggs og T. Parker Host også var sammen med i Norge i 1995.

Litt om bakgrunnen til Leif Høegh (1896-1974):

Educated a political economist at the age of 20, Leif Høegh came to be employed in shipping. After shipping practice both in the USA and Norway, he started his own company in 1927, at the age of 31, and emerged as an entrepreneur in oil transportation. He earned his fortune from tankers on long-term charter-parties and turned to liner shipping in order to spread his financial exposure.

In addition to leading his company into a prominent position, Leif Høegh also took an active part in international shipping politics after the Second World War. His main interest was primarily aimed at macro- economics and politics, as well as international trade and finance, which were interpreted into his own company strategy. His personal interest in literature and theatre also led him into the board of the National Theatre in Oslo, a position he served for many years. Leif Höegh was characterized by entrepreneurial determination and a tremendous working capacity, coupled with an ability to delegate authority. He lived to see the transformation of his company from an entrepreneurial enterprise into an organization headed by a professional management team under the leadership of his sons. By his death in 1974, Leif Höegh & Co ranked as one of the largest privately owned shipping companies in Europe.

Höegh pioneered the transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) when contracting the world’s first LNG carrier with special tanks (the Moss type) delivered to the company in 1973.

Fra websidene til Hoegh. Les også om Hoegh sitt samarbeid med SOS Barnebyer.

Fritt søk etter “Hoegh” på juridiske saker i statene fra Justia.

Se Hoegh Bangkok, en av verdens største båter.

Litt om bakgrunnen til Harry Husein:

General Manager Baltimore, HUAL North America Headquarters in Oslo

Originally from England, moved to Baltimore in 1994 as General Manager for NYK-NOS shipping. Joined HUAL as General Manager in January 2000.  Under the leadership of Harry Hussein and his Baltimore team, HUAL has recorded a four-fold increase in total cargo shipped from Baltimore (drug city) in the past 4 years. In the last year alone, HUAL vessels called on the Port of Baltimore more than seven times a month.  HUAL’s key destination markets out of the Port of Baltimore include Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Africa, Europe, Japan, and Korea. In the future, Hussein sees strong growth potential in Iraq, Australia, Russia, and Africa. HUAL recently started a direct service from the U.S. to West Africa and South Africa – two locations that had little major vessel activity prior to HUAL.

Hussein is a graduate of Redbridge Technical College in Romford, England. For over ten years, he has been proud to call Maryland home, and now resides in Lutherville with his wife of 20 years and two children.Hussein is active in the Traffic and Propeller Clubs, as well as in the Private Sector Port Coalition.He very much looks forward to full U.S. citizenship approval this year.


HUAL Baltimore has a staff of six persons, including in addition to Harry Hussein, Tom Witkowski (Operations Manager), John (JJ) Malone (Port Captain), Mary Susan Schofield (Office Manager and Logistics Manager) Debbie Humphreys (Logistics Manager) and Eileen Beard (Customer Service Representative.)

Age 51
Wife: Household: Ann Hussein (20)

Adresse i Baltimore:
203 Dunbeath Ct
Lutherville Timonium, MD 21093-5905
(410) 321-5555

Fra ZoomInfo.

Harry Hussain tjente på 11. September-skandalen:

12/9 2001: Hussein said the tragedy, which has shut down New York for the foreseeable future, may ultimately contain a silver lining for Maryland’s transportation industry. “Maryland is going to get more freight through here than they would have done”

Fra Maryland Daily Record.

Harry Hussain var General Manager for NYK-NOS shipping i 1994.

Foreløpig har jeg ikke fått en klar forståelse om NYK-NOS, men det kan stå for “Nippon Yusen Kaisha – National Ocean Service”, og kan være forbundet med Wilh. Wilhelmsen / Wallenius Wilhelmsen. (fin presentasjon av Wallenius-båt fra YouTube)

Dette er litt forvirrende. Det virker som om NYK er en båt-linje og NOS er en del av NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), som igjen ligger under Department of Commerce.

Her ligger det en svært interessant juridisk sak om NOS som kan trenge grundigere gjennomgang:

Denne saken kan vitne om lyssky aktivitet, da Department of Commerce har nektet å gi informasjon om ansatte til arbeidsorganisasjonen. Federal Labor Relations Authority mener dette er lovstridig, men flere statlige institusjoner har tydeligvis en sterk interesse av å holde på dette. Må se nærmere på.

Hvem andre hadde Harry Hussain kontakt med i sitt arbeid i Leif Høegh og NYK-NOS? Kan man finne forbindelser med UD-ansatte? Er det noen mulig kobling mellom Høegh og Per Pausts arbeid med NORTRA og Norges Eksportråd i 1994?

— Key Griggs sier at hun har møtt Charlie Wilhelm i Norge. Han er general i Miami og er gift med Valerie Wilhelm.

— NYK-NOS, som Harry Hussain ledet i 1994, er også forbundet med Miami.

1998:  Attentatforsøk mot Anne Orderud Paust.

én av politiets fire teorier:

Den politiske teorien: Kan ekteparets relativt sentrale stillinger i henholdsvis Forsvarsdepartementet og Utenriksdepartementet ha utløst et attentat, eventuelt fra utlandet?

Hun jobbet først i UD, som sekretær for NATO-ambassadørene i Brüssel, deretter som personlig sekretær for forsvarsministrene Johan Jørgen Holst, Per Ditlev-Simonsen, Jørgen Kosmo og Dag Jostein Fjærvoll.

I januar 1999 flyttet hun hjem fra New York.

Per Paust jobbet i UD fra 1974, først i Indonesia (hvor Kay Griggs nevner at noen av NATOs mest aktive treningsleire for såkaldte “wet-ops” ligger). I 1987 var Per Paust innblandet i en sak om eksport av tungtvann til Frankrike, som ble brukt til produksjon av atomvåpen (se mer nedenfor). Fra 1988 satt han to perioder som ambassaderåd ved ambassaden i Washington, og han har hatt en lengre periode i UDs politiske avdeling med øst-vest-spørsmål som arbeidsområde. 1998 var han generalkonsul i New York, og i 1994 ledet han et prosjekt for profilering av Norge i utlandet i samarbeid med NORTRA og Norges Eksportråd. I 1999 UDs avdeling for sikkerhet og nedrustning(husk nobelsprisen i 95).

Se TV2 Konsesjon.

Om Per Paust og Frankrikes produksjon av hydrogenbomber:

France had imported more than 140t from Norway by the time the Celestin reactors started. Norway got neither inspection rights nor, ac-cording to Per Paust, a spokesman for the Norwegian foreign ministry, an overall pledge of peaceful use. Thus Norway committed a deliberate act of proliferation.

This was a departure from Norway’s stated policy of always requiring peaceful-use guarantees for its heavy water exports. Paust said that instead, France promised not to re-export the heavy water without Norwegian permission and gave Norway a string of certificates stating the “end use” of each shipment. Norway now says that it can restrict France to the uses listed in the certificates. However, as this article went to press, Norway declined to reveal what the certificates require. Do they prohibit use in building nuclear weapons? France, too, when asked in September 1987 about the lack of French heavy water to run the Celestin reactors, refused to comment. Thus the questions remain, Did Nor-way deliberately help France make H-bombs, or did France break a series of promises that Norway has not bothered to enforce?

Fra “Heavy Water Cheaters” av Gary Milhollin i Foreign Policy (Winter 1987-1988, p. 100-119).

1973: Leif Høegh lanserer gasstransport-båter.

Litt om bakgrunnen til Kjeld Vibe.

Kjeld Vibe, født 5. oktober 1927, fødested Stavanger, stammer fra dansk-norsk adelsslekt med bånd til kongehuset(, norsk diplomat, cand.jur., i utenrikstjenesten fra 1955. Han ble ambassaderåd i Washington 1965, underdirektør politisk avdeling i UD 1969, ekspedisjonssjef der i 1972. Ambassadør ved delegasjonen til NATO i Brussel 1977–84 (var dette før Anne Orderud Paust jobbet der?). 1984–89 utenriksråd, 1989–96 ambassadør i Washington. (altså fra 89-? sammen med Per Paust). Fra 1996 (13.oktober – ?) satt Vibe i Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen, sammen med bl.a. Jon Bing (med verdens drøyeste cv) og Norsk Journalistlags leder Diis Bøhn. Om Kjeld Vibe fortsatt lever, hvor er han nå?

Alder: 82
Adresse: Holmenkollveien 35, 0376 Oslo
Tlf: 22 14 98 36
Mobiltelefon: 417 43 866

Gift med Beate Vibe
Tlf: 415 22 851
Fire barn

1973: Lillehammer-saken.

Kjeld Vibe involvert i Lillehammer-saken, med Israels ambassadør, attache Yigal Eyal og Mossad. Eyal var sikkerhetsoffiser ved den israelske ambassaden, og bodde i Tuengen Allé 14 C. Om Mossad-agenten Dan Ærbel fremkom at han etter en henvendelse fra Israel i 1968 hadde solgt en båt ved navn «Scheerburg» som var eid av selskapet Biscayne Tradin og kontrollert av Mossad.

Se “Den utenrikspolitiske behandlingen av Lillehammer-saken” NOU 2000:6.

Som ekspedisjonssjef i Utenriksdepartementets politiske avdeling (fra 1972-?), har Kjeld Vibe bekreftet at de vurderte å sende en tilråding til Justisdep. Om at saken burde gå for lukkede dører. Han fikk på pukkelen av Kristin Halvorsen, da hun i et brev til statsministeren den 20.10.98(!) mente det var et grovt brudd på viktige rettsprinsipper at en representant fra regjeringen tok direkte kontakt med aktoratet i en alvorlig drapssak mens det går i retten.

Se forøvrig dokument: “132.LH-utvalget, perm 4, jnr.17, intervju den 21.6.99 med Kjeld Vibe” NOU2000:6, “Omstendigheter rundt drapet på Ahmed Bouchikhi”

1992: “Scandinavian Star”-ulykken

Kjeld Vibe var også innblandet i saken om Scandinavian Star i 1992, “ingen” vet hvem som eide båten. Se “Støttegruppen for etterlatte og overlevende etter «ulykken» med Scandinavian Star“.

1999: NATO-bombing av Yugolslavia

This week marks the 10 year anniversary of the 1999 NATO bombings of Yugoslavia, during which hundreds of civilians were killed. Many civilian facilities, including infrastructure, utility companies, and hospitals were actually targeted by NATO’s air strike, which lasted about 3 months. NATO conducted the campaign as a way to combat what was perceived as genocide in the region, but that interpretation of what was going on is just that – one interpretation. Additionally, NATO’s backing by the UN was in question as well, but that didn’t stop them either. So the question is, did NATO have a right to go into Yugoslavia and conduct these air raids that resulted in the loss of hundreds of innocent lives? Does an organization ever have the right to do that? (dette var i mars 1999, få uker før orderud-drapene, Anne jobbet for NATO, Kjeld Vibe var spesielt opptatt av Yugoslavia-situasjonen, Per Paust jobbet for Kjeld Vibe).

Fra The Resident.

Se også “Justice in a time of war: the true story behind the International Criminal Tribune for the former Yugoslavia” av Pierre Hazan.


I mitt forsøk på å finne ut mer om hva som skjedde ved den norske ambassaden i Washington i 1995, og hvem andre som jobbet der, klarte jeg å finne fram til denne nettadressen gjennom logisk gjetting: (Norges Ambassade i USA).

Nedenfor følger en rekke saksing fra de underliggende sidene:

50th anniversary of the United Nations, whose first Secretary General, Trygve Lie, was Norwegian.

Inspired by the upcoming anniversary, UN officials along with diplomats, cabinet members, parliament members and concerned citizens all over the world are engaged in an intense debate. They are trying to clarify what lessons to draw from the past and how to adapt the UN to new realities of the post cold-war era.

Too many people live in poverty, and too few are able to fulfill the dream of living in a democratic society where basic human rights are respected. Even in peaceful corners of the world, a sense of safety and security is threatened by terrorism, ethnic conflicts, drug trafficking and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The author is Dagfinn Sørli first secretary for political affairs at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington.


And the winner is… Norwegian Police Data Processing Services. This finalist at the 1995 Computerworld Smithsonian Awards Program in Washington last month.


Tretti gardister var med den norske delegasjonen til USA i oktober 1995. Dette tyder på at det var et følge av en betydelig størrelse på denne reisen. Det er interessant å tenke på hvem andre som var med. Kay Griggs sier at George Griggs og T. Parker Host møtte kongeparet og andre personer som fulgte dem. Kan det ha vært representanter fra UD og/eller andre? andre som kan vite noe?

Andre som møtte kongeparet: Tipper Gore , the wife of the Vice President Al Gore (bonded with Sonja, for their common interest in photography), Wilhelmina Holladay, founder and chairperson of the board of National Museum of Women in the Arts.



The signing at the White House of the Interim Agreement between Israel and the PLO on September 28 marked another milestone on the road toward a peaceful settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Witnessing this historic event with President Clinton, Jordan’s King Hussein and President Mubarak of Egypt was Norwegian Foreign Minister Bjørn Tore Godal, who had a prominent seat and signed the document as a witness. His presence was a telling illustration of Norway’s active, central role in the Middle East peace process in recent years.

Other main points include provisions for holding elections for an 82-seat Palestinian Council; legal provisions for cooperation in combating crime, drug trafficking and terrorism; and provisions for the release of a significant number of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody.

Norway feels a natural obligation to continue supporting the peace process and implementation of the Interim Agreement. The Norwegian budget proposal for 1996 includes a total of $53 million for assistance to the Palestinians. Norway continues to chair the committee that coordinates international assistance to the Palestinians, the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee, and is leading the donor effort to assist the Palestinian police.

The Interim Agreement also includes a special “People-to-People” program, which aims to enhance levels of knowledge and foster understanding between the Palestinian and Israeli peoples. In the light of Norway’s special role and close relationship with both parties, Norway has been asked to initiate and lead such a program.

The author is Dagfinn Sørli, first secretary for political affairs at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington.


Janis Bjørn Kanavin, director for the Norwegian Information Service in the United States, based in New York.

Royal Christmas Greetings to Norwegian America

As we think back on our visit to the United States this fall, it gives us great pleasure to send our best holiday greetings.

Many personal ties have built strong bonds between Norway and the United States. At the same time the two countries are tied together at the most basic levels by history and constitution.

They are founded on shared interests — as witnessed by the fact that Norway and the United States are co-founders of UN and NATO and by the ongoing strategic relationship between our two nations.

Harald R / Sonja


John Petter Opdahl, vice consul of the Norwegian Consulate in New York

Kjeld Vibes avskjeds-melding:

Thank You for Interesting Years and Fascinating Friendships

After seven years as Norway’s Ambassador to the United States, Kjeld Vibe will soon head back to Oslo with his wife Beate.

News of Norway, issue 3, 1996

A diplomat for 42 years, Ambassador Vibe has held many posts with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including general director for political affairs and secretary general. He was ambassador to NATO in Brussels for seven years. He also served as political counselor in Washington from 1965 to 1969.

Ms. Vibe also has been active in Washington, as she worked with Arena Stage Theater, Very Special Arts, CARE and the YWCA while keeping a busy schedule as the wife of a popular ambassador. A scholar in her own right, she is translating the essays of the 16th-century French philosopher Michel de Montaigne into Norwegian, and the first volume of essays will be published this spring.

As I shall soon be leaving my post as Ambassador to the United States, News of Norway has asked me to offer some reflections on the seven very rewarding years which my wife and I have spent here in Washington, D.C.

Together with the four years we and our four children spent here in the late 1960s when I was counselor at our Embassy, this adds up to some eleven years in your nation’s capital. These years have not yet turned us into Norwegian-Americans, but they have made us very fond of this country and they have deepened our understanding, respect and admiration for the creativity of this great nation.

We also leave this country convinced of how essential it is-both for this nation itself and for peace and stability in the world-that the United States, in consultation and cooperation with other nations, continues to provide leadership in the world. It must not retreat into introversion and isolationism.

During the past seven years, the world has-for better or worse-seen many dramatic events, among them the fall of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia (with several ensuing conflicts) (interessant at han fremhever dette, har han et spesielt forhold til implikasjoner ifht. Yugoslavia?) and the Gulf War. It has, indeed, been fascinating to watch these events unfold from the vantage point of the world’s political center of gravity.

The same holds true for the many important changes that have taken place here on the domestic front, and which we all, Americans and Norwegians alike, follow with close attention.

Needless to say, it has been rewarding and stimulating to represent our country here in the United States, which remains Norway’s most important friend and ally and in which our country enjoys so much good will. And I am happy to report to you that relations between our two countries are in very good shape.

In almost all fields of human endeavor, our nations are working together closely, be it bilaterally or multilaterally in international organizations such as the United Nations and NATO, to help build a more peaceful, secure and prosperous world. Our cooperation in peacekeeping is particularly close in the Middle East and the former Yugoslavia. Our cooperative links are also close in the areas of trade, energy and protecting the environment.

The United States and Norway share a common goal to help strengthen reformist trends in Russia by trying to involve that nation to the greatest extent possible in western cooperative structures. Together, we are also working closely with the Russian government to reduce the danger of nuclear contamination in northwest Russia (Det er vel AMEC han sikter til?)

Our seven years in the United States have been marked by sustained efforts on the part of our government and the Embassy to make Norway better known in the United States. We appreciate being regarded not only as the land of the fjords and the “lefse and lutefisk,” but above all as a reliable international partner with a rich culture and valuable lifestyle, a sophisticated high-tech economy, an active environmental policy and a social conscience which reaches beyond our own borders.

In many of these efforts, Norwegian-American organizations and communities across this vast continent have been of great help and we are immensely grateful to them.

Among the cultural highlights of our sojourn here, I would like to recall the great commemoration in 1991, in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Sonja (unregistered at the royal webpage?), of the millennium of the Norsemen’s first landing in America.Let me also mention the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Edvard Grieg’s birth in 1993, with some 150 concerts all over the United States. The same year also saw a major presentation, again in the presence of Queen Sonja(unregistered at the royal webpage, if it was not in oct. 95), of Norwegian culture in Atlanta within the framework of a cooperative venture between the two Olympic cities of Lillehammer and Atlanta.

Needless to say, the very successful 1994 Winter Olympic Games at Lillehammer provided what may be the most extensive and positive public relations response that Norway has ever seen in the United States.

That winter festival was followed by another great event, the long awaited visit to the United States of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Norway. Staying at the White House, King Harald and Queen Sonja (hvem var med dem?) met with President Clinton and the First Lady and many other prominent people (hvem andre enn George Griggs, Kay Griggs og T. Parker Host? Kanskje Intelligence operative Bill Nelson og hans kone Kate, Harry Hussain, Per Paust? Hvem fler?) in the administration, the Congress, academia, the arts and the media. Following a tradition established by the late King Olav, Their Majesties then made an extensive three-week tour from coast to coast, visiting a large number of Norwegian-American communities.

Their Majesties’ visit coincided with the most comprehensive presentation of Nor-wegian culture ever exhibited in the United States under the heading “Norwegian Visions.” Here in Washington, the highlight of the program was the exhibition of Norwegian women painters and many accompanying activities at the National Museum of Women in the Arts.

Their Majesties’ visit included a series of business seminars aimed at further stimulating economic ties between Norway and the United States. In addition, they followed up on the many seminars and conferences arranged every year by the Norwegian Trade Council and the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Norwegian Foreign Service(hvem var med fra disse?).

Let me remind you that beyond these special efforts, relations between our two countries are strengthened every year by visits of our Prime Minister and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Commerce and other government officials in addition to frequent delegations from our Parliament, the Storting. All these regular contacts help to consolidate what deserves to be called the special relationship between Norway and the United States.

Before leaving Washington, I wanted to give you this rough overview of what has been going on between us over the last seven years and of the state of affairs between our two countries.

I think there is every reason to believe that the close and trusting relationship between our two countries will continue to thrive and prosper. We have so much in common: above all, a common cultural heritage, a strong belief in democracy and a dedication to freedom. We also share a strong sense of international responsibility and our views are very close on most of the fundamental challenges facing the world today.

On this optimistic note, my wife and I bid you farewell, extending our best wishes to all the readers of News of Norway, and we thank you for your continuing interest for Norway.

By The Honorable Kjeld Vibe


The Norwegian Trade Council (NTC) in North America

The first NTC office in North America was established in New York in 1946 (året etter WW2). Today, there are additional offices in Washington, Houston, San Francisco (samme steder som de norske konsulatene) and Toronto. NTC has 37 offices worldwide and about 300 staffers, half of them at headquarters in Oslo.

NTC is closely affiliated with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the NTC offices around the world serve as the local commercial sections of embassies and consulates. In Washington, San Francisco and Houston, our offices are on the diplomatic premises, and our operations are part of embassy and consulate functions. This official status provides an effective tool in marketing work, as some types of information are more accessible for a government organization than for a private company.

NTC in North America also enjoys close cooperation with other Norwegian organizations here such as the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, Norwegian Seafood Export Council, and Norwegian Tourist Board (Altså NORTRA, hvor Per Paust jobbet I 1994, han er også assosiert med en publikasjon herfra i 1991).

Marketing Services

Making market studies and finding distributors for Norwegian companies, as in the case of Nordisk Terapi, are the most requested services. NTC offers many additional services such as competitor surveillance, trade show assistance, subsidiary start-up support, product testing, and focus groups.

As a result of NTC’s research and support, Nordisk Terapi successfully found a distributor for their innovative physical therapy product. Fred Sammons, Inc., a unit of the large Bissel Health Care company, signed a distributor agreement early this year and has already purchased 450 units, according to Petra C. Kopf, NTC’s New York marketing director. The distributor extended their operations to Canada and purchased another 200 TerapiMasters.

A typical NTC project may be initialed by a company contacting us directly, or NTC may contact a company to suggest a business opportunity. NTC and the company will discuss objectives and the scope of the project before a formal proposal is sent to the company. The proposal will contain a description of the project and the type of information NTC will provide, as well as the time frame and budget. The project will start when the company and NTC have agreed on how the project will be carried out, the time frame and the associated expenses.

Norwegian consumer products, like sweaters and other sports apparel got a boost last year from the unprecedented interest created by the Lillehammer Olympics. But not only traditional “Norwegian” consumer products like textiles will sell in the United States, says Lin Eide, market analyst at the New York office. Eide has just finished finding a distributor for greeting cards, appealing items produced by a small publisher in Norway.

The World Bank and the United Nations

The NTC office in Washington, headed by Marianne Damhaug, is primarily involved in projects financed by the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. Damhaug and her staff provide information and assistance to Norwegian companies involved in the international development market. Most of these companies have an agreement with the office, thus financing part of its activities. “The very encouraging results for 1994, when Norwegian companies’ projected sales to the World Bank increased from $2.4 million to $209 million, indicate that a model of providing customized services to a smaller group of companies works very well, “says Damhaug.

NTC in New York is responsible for marketing Norwegian products and services to United Nations agencies, by introducing projects to procurement agencies, providing project information, follow-up ongoing projects, and organizing presentations and seminars about other activities. Presently the most interesting opportunities exist within UN peace-keeping operations. With the assistance of NTC, Norwegian companies today are supplying products and services like accommodation units, water purification and water distribution systems, telecommunication equipment, and air and sea freight services to UN peace-keeping operations around the world.

New NTC Initiatives

Magne Ostby heads the New York office, largest of the NTC offices in North America with a staff of eight. Ostby is also responsible for regional coordination of NTC activities in North America.

According to Ostby, NTC North America’s main focus will continue to be on individual projects for Norwegian companies. “In 1995 we will also undertake several new initiatives. We will look closer into the area of military offset agreements to see how these agreements can be used to create business opportunities for Norwegian companies,” says Ostby. Other planned activities include: environmental initiatives, furniture initiatives, UN presentations, and marketing activities in connection with trade shows. NTC will also be involved in the Royal Visit in October this year.

The future NTC

NTC recently went through a challenging transition because our most important source of financing, the export levy, was removed as part of Norway’s adaption to the European Union’s rules on export subsidies. As a result, NTC had to undertake major adjustments, as well as substantially increase the organization’s self-generated income from consulting services, publication sales, organization of trade shows, and courses organized by NTC’s School of Exports.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Confederation of Trade and Industry (NHO) have now established the Export Fund to secure the financial base of NTC. On June 13, the NTC board appointed Per Andreas Vogt director general. Vogt had been general manager of the Internal Services Group and the Real Estate Department at the Den norske Bank. The new board of directors, appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be chaired by Gerhard Heiberg, formerly chairman of the Lillehammer Olympic Committee.

For more information, please contact:
Norwegian Trade Council
800 Third Avenue, 23 floor
New York, NY 10022-7604
Tel. 212/421-9210
Fax 212/838-0374

The author is Senior Marketing Consultant/Vice Consul with the Norwegian Trade Council in New York,
Hilde P. Aarseth Krøgenes. Se

Per Paust begynner i utenrikstjenesten.
Leif Høegh dør.

Maryland Port

Dale Boyd, Jr.
Ph: 410-385-4465
General Manager, East Coast & Carrier Sales
Marketing Department: Field & Foreign Offices
Maryland Port Administration

Port of Baltimore European Representative

Maryland Port Administration

Bram van der Velden is Managing Partner of Eurolist International, MPA’s European representative since 1992. His team, headquartered in London, works with European shippers and associates in Sweden and Italy on behalf of the Port. Education: Haagse Hogeschool/TH Rijswijk (The Hague University)

Se PDF fra Marylands Port of Baltimore.

Wallenius Wilhelmsen
has appointed Christopher J. Connor as president of the Americas Region, effective in mid-summer 2004. Connor replaces Jan Eyvin Wang, who has been named president of United European Car Carriers, a Wallenius Lines affiliated short sea operation based in Norway. In his new role, Connor will oversee all of Wallenius Wilhelmsen’s ocean transportation, marine terminals, stevedoring, vehicle processing and logistics management activities in North and South America.

Connor has spent the past three years working at Wallenius Wilhelmsen’s world headquarters in Lysaker, Norway, where he was most recently chief operating officer of the Ocean Services Business Unit

Se Google Cache.

Hamworthy Moss AS leverer utstyr og deler til produksjon av skip til frakting av gass. De har levert til Høegh, og har hovedkontor i Moss.

Se omtale på Skipsrevyen og Hamworthy.

Høegh Eiendom har mange fasiliteter i Moss

Relevante personer i Bilderberg:

Westye Hoegh; Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoegh & Co AS (både i 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99 og 01)

Niels Warring; Director, Wilh. Wilhelmson Limited AS (som er store i Maryland Port)

(sammen med Høegh i 93)

Per Ditlev-Simonsen (som Anne Orderud Paust var sekretær for i 93)

Lundestad, Geir, Nobelkomiteen (05)

Henry Kissinger (som Kay prater om) (77-08)

(ikke verdens beste referanse, men dette ligger flere steder)

The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Opprettet i 1905.

Allies ever since, the two nations fought together in World War II and were co-founders of both the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Today, the Embassy in Washington is Norway’s largest, with a staff of around 50, including representatives from a number of Norwegian ministries.

Office of the Defense Attaché

The Defense Attaché covers U.S. and Canadian defense issues of interest to Norway. The Defense Attaché also keeps the U.S. and Canadian defense authorities updated on Norwegian defense matters and policies. The office assists Norwegian military procurement agencies with materials and training procurement, amounting to approximately $2 billion annually. The Norwegian Department of Defense currently has about 250 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) projects with the U.S. Government.

Hjalmar Christian Hauge var Norges første minister(ambassadør) i Washington i 1905. Var han i slekt med Jens Christian Hauge?

Defense Attaché:  Major General Tom Henry Knutsen
Fax: (202) 337-0437

Bjørn Tore Godal

1993-1995: Oslo 2 at the White House

“It has taken time to see the benefits, but the signs from a couple of years ago are now showing. We are at a point of no return,” Norwegian Foreign Minister Bjørn Tore Godal told the National Press Club.

New of Norway, issue 9, 1995

Godal’s address, “Consolidation of Middle East Peace,” came the day after the interim agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization was signed at the White House last month. The agreement aims at strengthening democratic development among Palestinians and improving the likelihood that difficult issues have been resolved.

U.S. participation in the process was a “job well done and helped bring about the necessary support for the signing,” Godal said. The agreement, called “Oslo II,” wasnamed for the secret peace talks held in Norway two years ago that initiated the Middle East peace process.

Violence on the West Bank remains an everyday happening, Godal acknowledged, and terrorism may weaken the basis for peace as counterforces try to sabotage the peace process. “The only way to undermine the counterforces is to have the social processes move forward,” he said. “Explain to people that things are on the move. People must experience the change and improvement,” which is one reason that monetary contributions are necessary to stabilize the area.

Norway donates $13 per capita to Palestinians annually, a standard which the foreign minister hopes other nations will match.


Cato Schiøtz, forsvarer for Per Orderud, knyttes også til Lillehammersaken (som Kjeld Vibe var innblandet i) og Liland-saken (justismord), og Annæus Schjødt som var under Jens Christian Hauges vinge:

Som høyesterettsadvokat Annæus Schjødt uhemmet skryter av i sin bok; ”Mange Liv” (2004), ble Jens Christian Hauge en av Schjødts største oppdragsgivere, for landets aller mest betydningsfulle saker. Hvordan er dette mulig? Hvordan kan det ha seg at én person, en ”vanlig” advokat, har det i sin makt å fordele de aller mest betydningsfulle sakene i Norge ned til Annæus Schjødt?

Den første store saken Schjødt fikk var Lillehammersaken, hvor han gjennom Hauges anbefaling – og etter eget sigende – nær sagt ble praiet av den Israelske ambassades folk langs en bygdevei i Valdres, og fikk jobben med å forsvare et par av de drapsmistenkte. Hvorfor var Hauge så engasjert i akkurat denne saken? Og, hva var det som hadde fått Hauge til å plukke ut Annæus?

Se Rettsnorge og

Det må også sies at norske myndigheter ikke har kapasitet eller mulighet til å kontrollere den enorme mengden av store skip som opererer i norske havner. Høegh Autoliners alene (altså kun en gren av Høeghs flåte), består av 50 skip med dekk tilsvarende 19 fotballbaner. I tillegg er lovverket rundt importkontroll avansert og problematisk (og under stadig endring).

Det kom tydelig frem at havnevesenet ikke hadde den fjerneste anelse om ballasten ombord i et skip som forliste lenger nord i landet (har ikke funnet kilde på dette), da journalister undersøkte flere dødsfall i etterkant av dette.

Møte: Tirsdag 25.8

Club of now holder møte som vanlig på Tirsdager.

Café Stredet – Pilestredet Park

kl 1800 –

Velkommen til en prat utover den vanlige boksen!


More here:

  4. ?

“Justisminister Storberget er blitt en solkonge” med hjelp av PST.

– Det begynner å lukte. Vi er bekymret for at PST blir mer av et redskap for departementets ledelse enn sunt er. Justisminister Storberget er blitt en solkonge, som misforstår hva som er handlekraft, sier Andre Oktay Dahl.

Kilde: VG NETT – av:  Tom Bakkeli – 21.08.2009 kl. 11:40


Andre Oktay Dahl (H) -Kanskje noe å stemme på ved årets valg?

Sjekk også bloggen: som skriver utdypende om hendelsen.

Norge endelig på Wikileaks!


VG fjernet artikkel om PST for nte gang:

Time travel with proof

Videolink: SVT “AMBRES” – en död talar.

Picture 2

Utrolig bra “profilintervju” med snekkern Sture som ofte blir besatt av den lyriske profeten “Ambres”.

Must see!

Kategori: Samhälle och fakta

Ambres – en död talar

Längd: 58 minuter 46 sekunder

Gå til film:,a1364145,1,f,-1/pb,a1364142,1,f,-1/pl,v,,1634801/sb,p103479,5,f,-1

Interview with Dr. Luukanen Kilde

New interview!

Go to Youtube

Local events: “Kjettersk Kjeller” feirer 666 med Henrik Bogdan

Henrik Bogdan foreleser om frimureri

Kjettersk Kjeller har invitert den akademiske okkultisten Henrik Bogdan til Oslo. Hør han på Cafe M3  10.09.2009 – kl. 19.00.

Les mer på Kjettersk Kjeller.

“Kabbalah Revealed” series

This series about the Kabbalah is dismissing alot of the modern views of this particular mystery school.  I think it is worth watching if you ever have wondered about the Kabbalah or life itself.

You must search up the other episodes yourselfe on video google, it´s many of them.  Enjoy!



New Swirled Order

A really nice documentary made in 2009 about crop circles from Germany.  Watch it!